

Legal Protection on Sustainable Development of Small Loan Companies

【作者】 翁丹丹

【导师】 虞嵘;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 经济法, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年5月,随着银监会和人民银行《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》出台,在最早7家小额贷款公司试点的基础上,小额贷款公司正式推向全国。利用社会筹集的资金,小额贷款公司积极推动民间金融的合法化和规范化,为正规金融难以覆盖的农民和微小企业提供贷款,作为有活力的金融工具,在支持我国“三农”和微型企业长远发展方面做出了重要贡献。但目前我国小额贷款公司还处于起步阶段,一些基本的问题还没有厘清,成为制约其发展的瓶颈,明确相关法律问题、构建配套的法律制度成为推动其可持续发展的关键。本文以影响我国小额贷款公司可持续发展的问题为研究对象,运用比较分析、实证分析和综合研究的方法,在借鉴国际小额信贷发展经验的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,分别从法律定位、公司治理、适度监管方面构建了我国小额贷款公司可持续发展的框架,并在法律层面对相关制度进行完善。本文一共分为四个部分:第一部分为小额贷款公司可持续发展概述。该部分首先介绍了小额贷款公司的基本情况。包括小额贷款公司的含义、发展状况。阐明了小额贷款公司与小额信贷之间的关系,即小额贷款公司是商业性的小额信贷组织。接着界定了小额贷款公司可持续发展的含义。然后阐述了小额贷款公司现有的法律规定,从法律体系方面指出目前小额贷款公司以政策性文件为主,法律规范少且位阶低;概括了小额贷款公司所面临的法律问题。具体包括小额贷款公司法律地位不明确、公司治理结构不合理、对其监管主体不明确、监管内容不合理。这些问题严重束缚了小额贷款公司的发展。第二部分,正确的法律定位是小额贷款公司可持续发展的前提。在这部分中首先概括了理论界与实务界对该问题的研究现状,然后提出了自己的观点,即应将小额贷款公司定位为非银行性金融机构。最后阐述了重新定位能够解决小额贷款公司目前面临的问题。第三部分,完善公司治理是小额贷款公司可持续发展的内部保障。采取优化股东结构、合理设计公司治理框架、建立科学合理的激励约束机制来完善公司治理,化解公司内部风险。第四部分,适度监管是小额贷款公司可持续发展的外部保障。在该部分中首先阐述了目前我国小额贷款公司的监管实践,然后比较和借鉴了国际小额信贷组织的监管经验。最后从监管所应遵循的原则、有谁来监管、对什么进行监管以及采取怎样的监管措施方面对我国小额贷款公司的监管制度提出了自己的观点。在监管方面应以银监会为监管主体,采取适度的非审慎性监管,以有效防范小额贷款公司风险。

【Abstract】 After<the guidance of micro-loan company>issued in May,2008,the small-loan companies,which are "only loan,no deposit",were built and discussed by many people,civilian capitals were used in the market of microfinance.Using the social funds,the microfinance companies actively promoting the legalization of privte finance,and regulation,covered by the formal financial difficulty for farmers and micro-enterprises,small-loan companies made important contributions to its development.But our present small-loan companies still have problems in the initial stage,including the lack of legal system becoming bottleneck restricts the micro-loan company development,clarifying the relevant legal issues and building a proper legal system become the key to promote their sustainable development.The object is the legal problem existing in the sustainable development of the microfinance compny. Use methods of comparative analysis,empirical analysis and comprehensive study. This article analyses and evaluates the domestic actual situation of the microfinance,and bases on suggestion of international experiments in micro-loan development,taking lagal consideration and proposal of the legal from the company’s legal position, corporate governance,supervisory.The paper is divided into four sections.The first part is about the legal system overview of micro-loan company. It introduces the basical problems,including definition,the history of development. It indicates that the microfinance company is one of the commercial microfinance organizaions and states the meaning of sustainable development. State the micro-loan company’s legal system and the legal issues that exist in the development. It points out that the problenms of the micro-loan company are mainly policy-oriented and lack of legal norms from legal system. Then they are followed by an analysis of the specific legal issues in micro-loan company,including unclear legal status, inadequate governance structure,unclear suporvisor,unreasonable regulatory content. This factors seriously hinder the company’s self-development.The second part,correct legal position is the sustainable development’s precondition of micro-loan company. In this part,state this issues’ research from theotists and practitions,then put forward my view that the mirco-loan company shuold be defined as non-bank finacial organization and how this legal status solve problems.The third part,improve the corporate governance structure is the internal guarantee of the micro-loan company. Take the measures of optimizing shareholder structure,designing rational governance structure,establishing scientific and reasonable incentive and restraint mechanisms to resolve the company’s internal risk.The last part,appropriate supervision is the external guarantee of the micro-loan company sustainable development. This part analyes the current regulatory practice of small-loan companies. Then compares and learn from international experience in micro-credit organizations. Then advance our coutry’s regulatory system from the regulatory principles established, the regulation body,the regulatory elements and efficacious regulatory measures. China Banking Regulatory Commision as the regulatory body should take appropriate non-prudential regulation,effectively preventing the risk of micro-loan companies.

  • 【分类号】D922.28;F832.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】361
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