

Law-economics Analysis of the Value Orientation of Eu Anti-dumping Act

【作者】 张鑫珍

【导师】 孔庆江;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 国际法, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在当前的国际环境下,国际贸易自由化不断深化,各国的经济互补性、相互依存度和利益契合点不断加强。尤其是受到西方文化洗礼的欧盟地区,其对外开放速度更加迅速。与此同时,欧盟的反倾销法律和实践却时常发出不和谐的声音。文章重点运用法经济学研究方法,从法律供求、成本收益、均衡等方面对欧盟反倾销法的价值取向进行深入分析。首先,文章介绍了法经济学的研究方法,其运用微观经济学理论和方法来对法律进行分析,把效益作为法律的基本价值目标和评价标准,试图在法学“公平”、“正义”的价值取向基础上,渗入“效益”、“成本”、“均衡”、“博弈”等经济学价值取向。最终指出在欧盟反倾销实施过程中,应发挥法经济学的方法论特点,为欧盟反倾销法的立法和实践提出合理且符合实际的指导建议。其次,对倾销、反倾销和反倾销法,以及反倾销法价值取向等概念进行法经济学解释,指出反倾销法的价值取向是欧盟确定对外实施反倾销的重要理论依据。在反倾销问题上,各国既重视消除来自国外具有竞争优势产业的竞争行为,为国内产业的健康发展创造环境,又有义务为本国/地区的消费者提供优厚的社会福利,故包括欧盟在内的反倾销实施者必须在保障本国/地区工业发展,保护消费者(包括进口商、下游用户等)利益之间做出权衡,使各个利益主体在一定时期内能够维持利益均衡。再次,通过欧盟反倾销法的供给需求分析,指出因倾销行为增加交易成本,无法达到资源最优配置的效果,故产生对反倾销法律的需求。但因实践中倾销行为却缺少存在的社会基础,由此说明欧盟反倾销法存在现实的供求偏差,得出欧盟反倾销法“限制竞争”的本质;另外,通过欧盟反倾销法的成本收益分析,指出欧盟反倾销法在实施过程中,难以证明其收益大于成本的结论,仅是欧盟为实现反倾销涉及的各方主体间的利益均衡状态。然后,指出虽然欧盟反倾销法无法实现立法的初衷,但其存在一定的合理性。故对欧盟反倾销法实施的合理性进行重新定位,得出欧盟反倾销法在满足局部供求平衡、缓解竞争压力、避免贸易冲突、促进贸易自由化等方面存在现实合理性。最后,对欧盟反倾销法的价值取向进行综述,得出公平和效率均不是欧盟反倾销的价值取向,均衡才是欧盟反倾销法的真正价值取向所在。本文通过对欧盟反倾销法价值取向的深入分析,可为今后各国反倾销立法的确立和完善,以及客观分析国际反倾销法在实践中的实际功效有借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 The ongoing development of international trade and the increased frequency of global trade exchanges witness the fifth year of Sino-EU strategic partnership’s establishment. With the deepening of international trade liberalization, esp. in the region of European Union long influenced by the western culture, the speed of opening up to the outside world is greater. Under the current international environment, the mutual complementary of economics between countries is more and more obvious, as well as the mutual dependency and the common point of interest between countries are strengthening. This paper focuses on the analysis of value orientation of the EU Anti-dumping Act by the way of law and economic analysis from the equilibrium of supply and demand, also the equilibrium of cost-profit analysis.Firstly, this paper introducing the way of law and economic analysis, especially analysis the law within the area of study of micro-economics, taking efficiency as evaluation standard and basic valuable aim. Trying to seep into the value orientation of "efficiency""cost""equalization""game" on the basis of value orientation of "justice". Finally, showing the progress of EU Antidumping, the feature of law and economic analysis should play an important role, to table a reasonable proposal for the legalization and practice of EU Anti-dumping.Secondly, illustrating define of dumping, anti-dumping, anti-dumping law and value orientation of anti-dumping law by the way of law and economic analysis, pointing out the value orientation of anti-dumping law as a basis for the theoretical foundation of the progress for the anti-dumping practice. On the one hand, using the anti-dumping law to eliminate competition of the foreign competitive industry, set the stage for the developing of the domestic industry, on the other hand, having an obligation to offer the social welfare for the residents, so that the anti-dumping settlers have to guarantee the domestic industry and also guarantee the benefit of the consumers, importers and users, finally reach the benefits well balanced.Thirdly, through the method of supply-demand analysis for the EU Anti-dumping, pointing out that the anti-dumping actions would increase the transaction cost, achieve the resource to optimize the purpose of configuration hard, so the demand for anti-dumping generated. But because of the lack of the social exist basic, so that the EU Anti-dumping had the supply and demand deviation, it declare the essence of "compete restriction" for EU Anti-dumping. Through the method of cost-benefit analysis for the EU Anti-dumping, Pointing that hard to prove the benefits outweigh the costs in the practice, only being used to balance of interests for the stakeholder.Fourthly, illustrating the legislative intent of EU Anti-dumping Act seem to fail, but it also reasonable, to relocation the rationality of anti-dumping action taken by the European Union, for instance:the weapon of meeting the local balance of supply and demand for European Union, the way of reducing competitive pressure to a certain extent, avoiding Trade friction, and also speeding up the progress of liberalization of trade.Finally, paper sum up the value orientation of anti-dumping laws of European Union, point out the value orientation of anti-dumping laws of EU is not the efficiency or justice, but equilibrium. Through the analysis for the value orientation of EU Anti-dumping, the research would make great sense to the establishment and perfection of anti-dumping legal system in other countries, also to the rational analysis of the actual effect of international anti-dumping laws.

  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【下载频次】218