

Design of Robot Multi-Function Measurement Control and Driving System Based on DSP2812

【作者】 栾伟业

【导师】 魏世民;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 机器人多功能检测控制驱动系统是每一个机器人在实现运动过程中所必须的部分,通过该系统可以实现机器人通过接受外界传送来的信息来做出相应的反应,驱动直流电机,步进电机以及电磁铁等外部设备进行动作,是机器人技术当中的一个关键环节,近年来受到很多研究者的广泛重视。在本论文中,主要阐述了如何以TI(德州仪器)公司的DSP芯片TMS320F2812为核心制作具备多传感器的信号信息的采集与处理能力的机器人多功能检测控制驱动系统,其中以TQ2440为上位机,DSP芯片TMS320F2812为下位机。其中上位机负责人机交互、通过传感器信号调理接口电路采集多传感器的信号,以及与下位机进行通信,DSP2812作为下位机,主要实现了与上位机进行通信,对接收的数据进行处理,控制直流电机与步进电机以及舵机驱动,接收测距传感器与电流传感器的值。在本论文中,分别在机器人的硬件设计与软件设计方面都进行了详细的探究。在硬件设计方面,从DSP核心控制电路,以及传感器信号调理接口电路两部分着手,分别对设计过程进行了详细的分析,其中课题设计了DSP控制电路的最小系统设计,包括电源模块,FUASH、RESET等内容,以及DSP向外扩展的电路,包括光耦的输入与输出,UART的TTL电平转换为RS-232电平等。在传感器接口电路方面,在本文中,介绍了课题中针对不同类型的传感器输入数据值设计的不同的隔离及处理电路,以及与上位机的通信接口电路的设计过程等。在软件设计方面,文中介绍了课题在DSP2812上实现与上位机通信、控制直流电机与步进电机转动、各种中断控制(捕获单元与A/D转换)等进行的工作。在设计完成后课题组也自行进行了测试,测试的结果也比较理想。文章最后结合论文研究内容对其发展前景进行了展望,提出了可以改进的地方以及未来应用的场合。

【Abstract】 Robot Multi-function Measurement Control and Driving System is absolutely necessary in achieving the moving process. Through using this system we can realize the function that by receiving signals outside, the robot can respond accordingly. To drive DC motor, step motor, electromagnet, and so on.so this part is one of the most important element of robot skills. For the past few years, this kind of system has been paid a lot of attentions to by many engineers.In this paper we focus on how to design a multi-sensor detecting and processing robot multi-function measurement control and driving system, by using TMS320F2812 which is designed by TI as the core. In the system we use TQ2440 as upper computer and DSP2812 as lower computer. The upper computer is used to realize the function of man-machine interaction, receiving signals from the PCB which is used to catch and process the signals from the sensors, and communicating with the lower computer. As the lower computer,DSP2812 is used to realize the function of communicating with upper computer, then dealing with the data received, controlling driving the DC motor, step motor and steering engine, and receiving the data sent from Air Ultrasonic Ceramic Transducers and current sensor.The design of robot is separately and thoroughly presented in hardware part and software part in this paper. In the hardware part, I do the work in two directions, the core circuit of DSP2812 and the circuit of multi-sensor receiving and processing board. In the paper I analyze the process of designing the Minimum system of DSP2812, including the power module, FLASH, RESET module and so on. And the outer part of DSP, such as the input and output circuit of photo-couplers, the transformation circuit of UART between TTL and RS-232.On the other side, the multi-sensor connect and process circuit, I will introduce different photo-couplers and process circuit aimed at dealing with different kinds of signal. And also will introduce the circuit used to corresponding to upper computer. In the software part, I will introduce how to write code to realize the function of corresponding to upper computer, controlling the movement of DC motor and step motor, and different kinds of interrupt(such as capture unit and A/D translator),and so on,then I also finish testing the algorithm, and the result is acceptable and ideal.At the end of the article, I prospect for the development and the future of this Robot Multi-function Testing Control and Driving System, Putting forward the direction that can be improved, and the occasion which this equipment can be available.

【关键词】 机器人多传感器检测控制驱动
【Key words】 robotmulti-sensormeasurementcontroldrive