

The Planing Design and Enginering Practice of Uni-Info Services Manage System Cutover of Shanxi Unicom

【作者】 赵立峰

【导师】 卞佳丽;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 联通在信业务是联通移动增值短信类业务的支柱产品,是为用户提供基于短消息的增值业务,内容包括聊天、资讯查询、运势、投票、参与电视互动、公文通知、报警等,同时联通在信业务也是点对点彩信、手机报等移动数据业务的支撑系统。其发展好坏将直接关系到今后联通整体增值业务的发展状况,并对规范网络运营具有一定的示范作用。故上至联通总部下到省、市、县各级联通公司对此十分重视,力求通过一定的技术支撑以规避SP违规风险,明晰消费用户等,从而实现运营商对在信业务的统一管理、统一展现、统一计费。VAC作为联通增值业务的公共鉴权与管理中心,BSS系统作为用户订购实施、展现,计费信息提供的唯一出口,将联通在信业务割入BSS/VAC成为实现上述功能的最好途径。本论文从联通在信业务的发展现状入手,围绕在信网关存在的诸多问题进行剖析,分析了由SP发起扣费到最终提供给BSS进行扣费的过程中存在风险;由于业务订购关系的管理、查询均在业务平台,故无法实现营帐系统的统一;由于缺乏有效沟通,故客服对用户的服务支撑能力不足;由于业务平台与BSS用户状态同步不及时,故存在二次卡风险;由于技术较为陈旧,故对预付费业务实时计费支撑不到位等状况。而将联通在信业务割入BSS/VAC后可以有效地解决上述联通在信面临的主要问题,为联通今后增值业务发展的奠定良好的基础。论文的重点是探寻联通在信业务割接至BSS/VAC的实施方案。论文在阐明联通在信业务割入BSS/VAC后的组网方式及与各网元的关系后,对割接的基本原则、割接时需考虑的因素进行充分思考和一切准备工作就绪后,进入割接方案的可操作阶段。从割接基本步骤、割接回退、客服解释到数据割接迁移次序、数据割接对应关系要点等方面深入进行分析研究,提出具体实施方案建议。由于联通在信业务割接至BSS/VAC的实施方案是分步骤、分阶段进行的,故及时对已实施BSS/VAC割接工程的部分地区进行经验总结将有利于该方案的进一步完善。本课题对促进联通在信业务的发展具有重要的意义,对增值业务的健康成长也将产生极为有益的启迪,其对割接方案的探讨具有一定的可操作性,可为相关部门加强增值业务的建设提供某种程度的借鉴和参考。

【Abstract】 The Uni-Info Service is a value-added short message service for mobile users registered with China Unicom. Being a mainstay product, it provides its users with varieties of value-added services based on text message:chat room, data searching, fortune-telling, voting, interactive TV involvement, E-office, alarming etc. In addition, the Uni-Info Service is the supporting system of GPRS such as peer-to-peer MMS and i-News. Thus, the project is closely related to the future development of the overall value-added service of the Company, obtaining the demonstrative effect on regulating service operation. It also attracts special attention from the lowest units all the way up to the Headquarter. Technical support is required to avoid any SP violations and to track different consuming parties so that the SP can achieve the goal of integrated management, integrated service display and integrated billing. VAC, being the public authentication and management center for value-added services, and BSS, being the only outlet for ordering and billing, are combined to become the best solution.Drawing on the status quo of the Uni-Info Service in China Unicom, the paper analyses the bottleneck of the gateway and the risks caused by change of billing systems from SP to BSS. The billing system is not able to be integrated since the administration and inquiries of transactions ordering belong to the business sectors. The customer care system is unable to provide consolidate support to consumers due to lack of effective communication. The risk of SIM card reselling does exist since the business platform is unable to synchronize with BSS customer status. The real-time billing for pre-pay service is not flawless due to obsolete technology. All these major problems can be solved when Uni-Info Service is cutover to BSS/VAC, which will lay solid foundation for the future development of VA services.The paper focuses on exploring the implementation plan of how Uni-Info Service cutover to BSS/VAC. After explaining the network configuration and relationship between all network elements, the paper discusses some basic principles, factors that needs consideration and the implementing procedure of the cutover. In-depth research and detailed suggestions are made on all phases of the project:the basic procedure, the rollback, customer care, transfer sequence, and the relevant key points of the cutover etc. As the project is to be implemented step-by-step and phase-by-phase, briefing on the finished parts will very well serve for the overall quality control and perfection.As the chief team leader for Shanxi Province, the author plays an important role in the project design and evaluation. The project is of significant value to the development of China Unicorn’s Uni-Info Service. It also places enlightenment on the growth of the VA services. The feasibility of the cutover project may well exert reference and benefits to the construction of VA services for certain business departments.

  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【下载频次】32