

Analysis and Implementation of Free Space Optical Communication Simulation System

【作者】 房凤堂

【导师】 任建华;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 光学工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 空间光通信仿真系统是一个采用了经典大气传输理论模型,并且结合计算机软件开发技术开发的仿真系统。该仿真系统同时考虑了大气散射与吸收效应以及大气湍流的随机性对激光大气传输的影响,可以模拟激光在大气传输中的辐射特性以及演示激光传输的过程,对空间光通信的理论研究和发展提供一些帮助。本文首先介绍了空间光通信仿真计算理论模型,该理论模型以Bouguer(布格)——Lambert(朗格)定律为基础,结合Rayleigh散射和Mie氏散射等经典理论来仿真大气散射作用对大气光通信的影响,同时论文以Oboukhov-Kolmogorov湍流统计理论为指导,结合目前大气湍流有关方面的研究进展和大气湍流随机相位屏的理论模型,在弱湍流条件下,采用基于傅里叶变换的多层相位屏技术来仿真大气湍流作用对大气激光传输的影响,模拟出高斯光束通过湍流大气的光斑变化,这些理论模型是空间光通信仿真系统业务层进行仿真计算的理论基础和核心模块。考虑到实际应用中对计算精度的要求,系统简化了理论公式中复杂的部分,保留在大气传输过程中最主要的消光因素,归纳总结出几个重要的激光大气传输理论模型。在运用这些模型时,通过分段计算的方法,逐步细化大气环境参数,以便选取最合适的理论模型,仿真效果迭代累积从而得到整个大气传输过程的仿真结果,从而提高系统精度。在系统的软件开发方面,仿真软件严格按照软件工程管理流程,用面向对象的方法设计,提高仿真软件系统的可重用性和扩展性,仿真系统数据层使用Oracle 9i数据库来存储仿真数据,使用了AD0接口访问底层数据库,使用OpenGL来绘图输出仿真结果,同时采用多线程等先进的软件技术进行编码,保证了系统的稳定可靠。

【Abstract】 Free space optical communication simulation system uses the classic atmospheric transmission theory model and combined with computer software development technology development. The simulation system considering the atmosphere scatters and absorption effect and the randomness of the atmospheric turbulence effect on laser atmospheric transmission.The system can simulate the laser radiation characteristics of atmospheric transmission and the system can demo laser transmission process. The system can provide some help for the study of the theory of the optical communication of space.This paper firstly introduced the optical communication simulation calculation theory model, the theoretical model is based on Bouguer-Lamber law, combined with Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering’s classic theory, the theoretical model is to simulate atmosphere scatters effects on the free space optical communication. The paper is also based on the Oboukhov-Kolmogorov turbulent statistics theory, combining with the research of the random phase screen and atmospheric turbulence theoretical model. In weak turbulence conditions, Fourier transform of multi-layer phase screen technology is used to simulate atmospheric turbulence effects on the free space laser transmission. the theoretical model is free space optical communication simulation systems business layer foundation and the core module. Considering the practical application of the calculation precision requirements, the system simplified the theoretical formula of the complicated part, retained in atmospheric transmission process of the main factors of extinction.This paper concludes with several important laser atmospheric transmission theory model. The system will choose the most appropriate theoretical model for atmospheric environmental parameters so as to improve the precision of the system. The simulation software development is strictly accordance with the software project management process, with object-oriented method design to improve the simulation software system reusability and expansibility. The simulation system data layer uses Oracle 91 database to store the simulation data, using ADO interfaces to connect with database, using OpenGL to draw output simulation results, at the same time, The system uses multithread and other advanced software technology for coding to ensure that the system is stable and reliable.
