

A Research for the Characteristics of Canopy-air Temperature Difference with Time Variation and the Factors of Environmental Influence of the Zoysia Matrella Lawn Canopy

【作者】 李泓

【导师】 李春友;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 水是人类和一切生物赖以生存的重要物质基础,我国北方水资源不足,建立高效节水灌溉制度是这些地区的必然选择。本研究于2011年7月至2012年2月在河南省济源市,基于马尼拉草坪的净辐射、气温、空气相对湿度、风速和土壤含水量等环境因子的实时观测,测算了草坪环境连续时段的冠气温差,研究了不同月份、不同天气条件下的草坪冠气温差的日变化规律及其环境影响特征。着重分析了草坪冠气温差与环境因子和土壤含水量的定量关系,旨在为精确测算其冠气温差提供理论依据。所得结论如下:(1)在马尼拉草坪生长时期(2011年7月至11月)内,各月晴天天气日的马尼拉草坪冠气温差都有明显的昼夜变化,表现为单峰曲线趋势,不同月份在夜间和白天都出现了不同程度的差异,冠气温差的值都低于0℃。(2)在马尼拉草坪非生长时期(2011年12月至2012年2月)内,各月晴天天气日的马尼拉草坪冠气温差的昼夜变化都没有生长时期节明显,变化趋势较小,单峰曲线不明显,变化范围变小,最大值和最小值都小于生长时期节,冠气温差都的值低于0℃。(3)晴天日马尼拉草坪的日变化表现出较为明显的昼夜变化,夜间马尼拉草坪的冠气温差值较大,变化趋势不大;白天从清晨日出开始,马尼拉草坪冠气温差值明显减小,到15:00左右达到最小值,然后冠气温差值开始增大,到19:00左右趋于平缓,马尼拉草坪冠气温差的变化为单峰曲线,这种变化趋势与各月平均的冠气温差日变化规律基本一致。(4)阴天日各月的冠气温差的昼夜变化为多峰曲线,夜间各月份的冠气温差值曲线都比较平缓,差异不明显,而在白天冠气温差曲线的变化较明显,马尼拉草坪冠气温差值开始减小的时间有所延缓,减小幅度与达到最小值的时间也出现了较大差异。(5)马尼拉草坪生长时期冠气温差与气温Ta、土壤温度Ts、空气相对湿度RH、太阳总辐射R a、太阳净辐射Rn、冠层温度Tc、风速W、VPD的相关性从大到小的因子基本上依次是:RH >VPD> Ta > Tc >W > Rn > R a> Ts。马尼拉草坪冠气温差与环境因子之间的偏相关系数在非生长时期节相对来说有所减小。其中与空气相对湿度的相关系数最高,全年都保持显著正相关。此为草坪土壤水分状况诊断提供重要的参考依据。(6)采用逐步回归的方法进行分析不同时间段不同土层土壤相对含水量与马尼拉草坪冠气温差之间的关系,表明与马尼拉草坪冠气温差相关性最大的为20 cm土层深处土壤相对含水量。与10 cm和40 cm深处的土壤含水量也有一定的相关性。

【Abstract】 Water is the most important material base for human beings and all of the living things to live. In the north of our country, water resource is not enough, so establishing an efficient water-saving irrigation system is an inevitable choice in these places. This research is based on the real time observation of net radiation, air temperature, air relative humidity, wind speed and soil water content, etc; measure and calculate amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy in continuous time; studies the change rules of the lawn canopy’s amplitude of air temperature in a day and the characteristics of environmental influence, in different months, and under different weather conditions. Especially analyses the quantitative relationship between the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy and environmental influence, in order to provide the accurate measure and calculation the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy with theoretical basis and to support the water saving cultivation maintaining of the lawn. The conclusions are followed:(1) During the main growth period of the Zoysia Matrella lawn (from July to November in 2011), on sunny days, the temperature of the lawn canopy has a distinct change round the clock, which shows the variation of curve is unimodal. The average of the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy is also different at the same time in different months. All of the digitals are below 0℃.(2) During the extra essential growth period of the Zoysia Matrella lawn (from December in 2011 to February in 2012), the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy round the clock on sunny days is not as obvious as it in the main growth period. The variation tendency is not sharp, and the unimodal curve is not so obvious. The range of variation becomes small. Both of the maximum and minimum are less than they are in the growth period. All of the digitals are below 0℃.(3) On sunny days, the lawn shows obvious amplitude of air temperature from day to night. At night, the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy is larger than it in the day, but the variation tendency is not so obvious; in the day, since sunrise, the amplitude become smaller; at about 3 o’clock pm, the digital reaches its minimum, and then the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy begins to grow till 7 o’clock pm the variation tendency becomes mild. The variation tendency of the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy is a unimodal curve. It is basically the same with the average of months of the rule of the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy round the clock.(4) The amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy round the clock on cloudy days in months is a polymodal curve. the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy is mild at night in months, the difference is no sharp; in the day, it becomes sharp; the time of the amplitude decreasing becomes less. It shows a big difference for the amplitude to decrease and reach to its minimum.(5) During the lawn’s growth period , the relativity between the amplitude of air temperature of the lawn canopy and air temperature, soil temperature, air relative humidity, total solar radiation, pure solar radiation, canopy temperature, wind speed, VPD from big to small is RH >VPD> Ta > Tc >W > Rn > R a> Ts . Zoysia Matrella lawn grass canopy-air temperature difference and partial correlation coefficients between the environmental factors in the non-growing season is relatively reduced. With the highest correlation coefficient of air relative humidity, remain significant for the whole year is relevant. This lawn provides an important reference for diagnosis of soil water status.(6) Using stepwise regression method to analysis the relationship of different periods of relative water content in different layers of soil and turf canopy-air temperature difference of Zoysia Matrella. It indicates the max correlation with Zoysia Matrella lawn grass canopy-air temperature difference is 20 cm Relative water content of soil in the deep soil layers. It also has some relevance with 10 cm and 40 cm depth of soil moisture content.
