

Study on Effects of Growth Regulators on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Pistacia Chinensis

【作者】 董倩

【导师】 路丙社;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)是近年来我国北方广泛栽培的重要木本油料树种和城市绿化树种。然而,黄连木畏严寒,在北方地区冬季,黄连木幼苗往往出现抽条甚至是死亡状况,限制了黄连木在北方地区的栽植和推广。本研究以2a黄连木幼苗为试材,采用叶面喷施的方法,研究了不同浓度(0、200 mg/L、500 mg/L、800 mg/L、1500 mg/L)多效唑(PP333)和矮壮素(CCC)处理对黄连木的生长特性、生理特性、光合生理特性以及抗寒能力的影响,力图寻求一种合适的栽培措施,为黄连木幼苗的安全越冬创造可能性,这对今后黄连木在北方地区的育苗栽培有着极为重要的意义。主要研究结果如下:(1)随着处理浓度的增大,黄连木幼苗相对年生长量不断减小,地茎不断增粗,鲜重/干重、根冠比、可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量先增大后减小。其中,800 mg/L多效唑和500 mg/L矮壮素处理有效了增强黄连木的新陈代谢能力,促进了黄连木根系的生长;能显著增加黄连木可溶性糖含量并促使更多的可溶性糖向根部转移,促进根部生长;能显著增加黄连木可溶性蛋白含量同时可以缓解可溶性蛋白降解。(2)黄连木幼苗叶片MDA含量随着处理浓度的增大先增大后减小再增大,SOD和POD活性先增大后减小,IAAO活性不断增大。其中,800 mg/L多效唑和500 mg/L矮壮素处理能显著提高黄连木SOD和POD活性,同时有效降低其MDA含量。(3)黄连木幼苗叶片栅/海比值、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、PSⅡ原初光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ潜在活性(Fv/Fo)随着处理浓度的增大先增大后减小。其中,800 mg/L多效唑和500 mg/L矮壮素处理能显著增加叶片栅/海比例和叶绿素以及类胡萝素含量;提高了黄连木幼苗净光合速率,增强了黄连木的光合能力。本研究还初步揭示了生长调节剂提高苗木光合速率和保证苗木光合作用高效进行的内在机制:800 mg/L多效唑和500 mg/L矮壮素处理下,叶片栅/海比例增大和叶绿素含量的增加提高了叶片对光能的捕获和吸收能力;PSⅡ反应中心开放比例的增大与其活性的增强保证了叶片对光能的高效传递,同时降低了能量的热耗散,从而显著提高了黄连木叶片的净光合速率。(4)黄连木幼苗枝条相对电导值随处理浓度的增大先减小后增大,而幼苗越冬成活率先增大后减小。其中,800 mg/L多效唑和500 mg/L矮壮素处理能够显著降低幼苗相对电导率,同时显著提高了黄连木越冬成活率,说明适宜浓度的多效唑和矮壮素处理能够减缓黄连木幼苗电解质渗漏,有保护植物细胞膜免受低温伤害的作用,从而提高了黄连木幼苗的抗寒能力,有助于苗木的安全越冬。同时本研究认为,正是800 mg/L多效唑和500 mg/L矮壮素处理使得黄连木在生长、渗透调节物质、生理特性以及光合生理特性方面产生了上述的变化,才得以使黄连木幼苗抗寒能力提高。

【Abstract】 Pistacia chinensis is one of the important woody oil plants and urban greening trees which widely cultivated in northern China in recent years. However, Pistacia chinensis fear the cold, in northern winter, Pistacia chinensis often sprout and even death, and this limit Pistacia chinensis planted and promotion in the northern areas and. In this study, with Pistacia chinensis as materials, which were treated by foliar spray method, we studied that the effects of different concentrations (0, 200mg/L ,500 mg/L, 800 mg/L, and 1500 mg/L) PP333 and CCC treatment on the growth characteristics, physiological characteristics, photosynthetic and physiological characteristics and the cold resistance characteristics in winter. Trying to seek an appropriate cultural measure, in order to protect Pistacia chinensis smoothly grown in winter, and this has a very important significance for seedling and cultivation of Pistacia chinensis in the northern areas in the future. The major results as follows:(1) With the increasing concentration of the growth regulators, the relative annual growth of Pistacia chinensis was decreasing. The stem of Pistacia chinensis was increasing. The ratio of fresh weight and dry weight, the ratio of root to shoot, soluble protein and soluble sugar content firstly increased and then decreased. Among them, 800 mg/L PP333 and 500mg/L CCC treatment effectively enhanced the ability of metabolism of Pistacia chinensis, promoted the growth of root, could significantly increase the content of soluble sugar and promote much more soluble sugar to transfer to the roots, could significantly increase the content of soluble protein and at the same time could ease the degradation of soluble protein.(2) With the increasing concentration of the growth regulators, the content of malonal dehyde level(MDA) firstly increased and then decreased and increased at last. The superoxide dismutase(SOD) and peorxidase(POD) activity firstly increased and then decreased. The indoleacetic acid oxidase (IAAO) activity was increasing. Among them, 800 mg/L PP333 and 500mg/L CCC treatment could significantly improve SOD and POD activities and effectively reduced MDA content.(3)With the increasing concentration of the growth regulators, the ratio of palisade tissue thickness and sponge tissue thickness, the content of chlorophyll and carotenoid, the net photosynthetic rate(Pn), ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence(Fv/Fm), potential photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fo) of Pistacia chinensis firstly increased and then decreased. Among them, 800 mg/L PP333 and 500mg/L CCC treatment could significantly increase the ratio of palisade tissue thickness and sponge tissue thickness and the content of chlorophyll and carotenoid, increased the net photosynthetic rate of Pistacia chinensis, enhanced the ability of photosynthesis of Pistacia chinensis. This study also preliminary obtained the mechanism that the growth regulators increase the net photosynthetic rate of nursery stock and ensure the efficient photosynthesis of nursery stock: with 800 mg/L PP333 and 500mg/L CCC treatment, the increase of thickness ratio of palisade tissue and sponge tissue and content of chlorophyll improved the ability of capture and absorption light energy of leaves, the increase of openness degree and actinity of PS II reaction centers ensured the efficient transfer of light energy and reduced the heat dissipation of energy at the same time, thus significantly improved the net photosynthetic rate of Pistacia chinensis.(4) With the increasing concentration of the growth regulators, the relative conductivity in branches of Pistacia chinensis firstly decreased and then increased. The survival rate live through the winter firstly increased and then decreased. Among them, 800 mg/L PP333 and 500mg/L CCC treatment could significantly reduce the relative conductivity in branches of Pistacia chinensis, could effectively ease the role of the electrolyte leakage, thus increased the cold tolerance of Pistacia chinensis, increased the survival rate live through the winter.This study suggested that with the 800 mg /L PP333 and 500 mg/L CCC treatment, the variations of Pistacia chinensis in growth, the substances of osmoregulation, physiological characteristics and photosynthetic and physiological characteristics was the material basis of the enhancing cold tolerance of Pistacia chinensis. The cold tolerance of Pistacia chinensis had been enhanced was because of the variations of Pistacia chinensis in growth, the substances of osmoregulation, physiological characteristics and photosynthetic and physiological characteristics with the 800 mg /L PP333 and 500 mg/L CCC treatment.
