

Study on Histomorphologic Development of Hair Follicles and Gastrointestinal Tracts and Activities of Gastrointestinal Digestive Enzymes in Young Fox

【作者】 葛旭升

【导师】 李祥龙; 冯敏山;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以狐狸1d至42d背皮、腹皮、肩皮和臀皮4个部位为样本(4只/组),对蓝狐的皮毛发育结构进行了阐述,对皮肤厚度、初级毛囊数目、次级毛囊数目、毛囊的活性比率以及毛囊的长度和深度进行了组织学观测研究。另外,对1-42d幼狐胃肠道形态结构发育特点进行了研究。观测了小肠各肠段绒毛的高度、宽度、密度、杯状细胞数目、隐窝深度以及胃底腺的密度和高度,同时研究了不同日龄幼狐肠道、胰腺和胃内消化酶的变化规律。实验结果显示:(1)1d时表皮就已经基本发育完全,真皮在7日龄时发育完成。初级毛囊在7d基本发育完成,随着日龄的增加长度和深度变化不大,42d时显著增加(P<0.05)。次级毛囊14d时才开始发育,14-28d发育较快,28d后次级毛囊长度和深度变化趋于平缓。初级毛囊密度和活性在1d到初生时最大,随后逐渐减小;次级毛囊密度随着日龄的增加而增加,42d时最大,S/P(次级毛囊/初级毛囊)在42d也达到最大,而且仍有增长的趋势。35d已经有束出现,在42d时毛囊群结构形成。(2)初生仔狐小肠绒毛已经发育,但是并没有发育完成。空肠和回肠绒毛长度逐渐增加,在42d时最大,十二指肠35d时最大。十二指肠和空肠的绒毛宽度随着日龄的增加而增加,42d时达到最大值,回肠在35d时最大。空肠和回肠绒毛密度略有减少,十二指肠密度稍有增加。十二指肠和空肠的隐窝深度先增大后减小,35d时达到最大值,回肠则一直处于增加状态。十二指肠和空肠的V/C(绒毛长度/隐窝深度)变化不大,回肠42d时比出生时降低了32.15%。空肠和回肠的杯状细胞数目逐渐增加,十二指肠先增加后减少,28d时最多。仔狐胃底腺高度和密度先增加后减小,高度在35d时最高,为429.95μm,21d时密度最大,为51.55个/mm。初生仔狐小肠绒毛已经发育,但是并没有发育完成。十二指肠绒毛长度逐渐增加,在42d时最大,空肠和回肠小肠绒毛长度分别在28d和21d时最大,然后就趋于稳定。各肠段绒毛宽度、杯状细胞数目随着日龄的增加而增加,在42d时达到最大值。各肠段的绒毛密度随着日龄的增加而逐渐减少。空肠的隐窝深度先增大后减小,35d时达到最大值,十二指肠和回肠则一直处于增加状态。十二指肠的V/C(绒毛长度/隐窝深度)先减少后增加,空肠在21d后就基本趋于稳定,回肠呈现逐渐减小的趋势,42d时比出生时降低了34.24%。仔狐胃底腺高度和密度先增加后减小,高度在35d时最高,为362.25μm,21d时密度最大,为52.77个/mm。(3)幼狐小肠和胰腺的淀粉酶活性随着日龄的增加而逐渐升高。初生时胰腺的淀粉酶活性并不是最高,随后随着日龄的增加胰腺的淀粉酶活性迅速增加,各肠段淀粉酶活性随着日龄的增加而增加。幼狐胰腺的胰蛋白酶活性要较肠道内胰蛋白酶的活性低,蓝狐胰蛋白酶活性随着日龄的增加而逐渐增加,银狐胰蛋白酶活性随着日龄增加先增加后减小,总体呈现逐渐增长趋势。不同物种之间胰腺脂肪酶酶活高于肠道脂肪酶活性,蓝狐胰腺脂肪酶活性随着日龄的增加而增加,十二指肠脂肪酶的活性要较空肠和回肠脂肪酶活性高,各肠段变化不大。银狐各肠段脂肪酶活性随着日龄的增加先增加后减少,基本上在21日龄之后变化趋于平缓。幼狐小肠内容物各个部位二糖酶活性随着日龄的增加先增加后减小。幼狐21日龄之前胃蛋白酶的活性较低,随后逐渐增加,在整个研究过程中,幼狐胃粘膜胃蛋白酶活性要较胃内容物内活性高,而且具有相同的变化规律。(4)两物种之间比较,蓝狐和银狐皮肤发育规律相近,并无太大的差异,但是蓝狐的初级毛囊密度和次级毛囊密度要较银狐高,而蓝狐的毛球宽度和毛囊深度总体要比银狐小。蓝狐的各肠段腺窝深度和肠绒毛密度要较银狐大,V/C值要较银狐的小,胃底腺发育呈现出相同的发育规律,都是先增加后减小,在35日龄时达到最大值,银狐21d前增长速度较快,蓝狐21d后增长速度较快。银狐胰淀粉酶、胰脂肪酶和胰蛋白酶活性均要高于蓝狐,而肠道内酶的活性变化没有明显的规律性,相同日龄的仔狐空肠乳糖酶的活性要较其它部位高。胃粘膜内胃蛋白酶活性随着日龄的增加先增加后减小再增加,而胃内容物胃蛋白酶活性呈现逐渐增加的趋势。

【Abstract】 This study was carried out in order to clarify the development pattern of pelage in Foxes. The skin thickness, the number of primary hair follicle and secondary hair follicle, the ratio of hair activity and the follicle length and depth were studied histologically on a series of skin samples taken from back, belly, shoulder and hip, between 1 to 42 days old after birth (4/group). And then, the experiment was conducted to study the development pattern of gastrointestinal tract in silver foxes. The intestinal villi’s height, width, density, the number of goblet cells in the intestinal villi and intestinal crypt depth, as well as the height and density of the fundus gland were observed and measured. And then study on the activities of enzyme in digestive tract, pancreas and stomach. The results were summarized as follows:(1) The epidermis layer matured at 1d and the dermis layer matured at 7 days after birth. The primary hair follicle was matured at 7 days, its length and depth changed a little after then, however, they were significantly different at 42 days(P<0.05). The secondary hair follicle was seen at 14 days, and it grew fast at 14-28 days, then the length and depth change flattened after 28 days. The density and activity of primary follicle showed highest at 1st, and then gradually reduced. However, the density of secondary follicle increased along with the days up to 42 days old, and the S/P (secondary follicle/ primary follicle) was the biggest at the42 days, moreover, continue to increase. The pieces were observed at 35 days which 7 days before the follicle group formed.(2) The intestinal villi have but not completely developed at birth. The height of duodenal villi increased gradually, and showed the highest at 42 days, but the highest of villi in jejunum and ileum showed the longest at 21 days and 28 days. The width of intestinal villi and the number of the goblet cells increased with the cubs growing. In contrast, the density of intestinal villi reduced with the cubs growing. The depth of crypt in jejunum decreased after increased. The value of the depth reached the biggest at 35 days and the depth of duodenal and ileum crypt increasing all the time instead. The value of duodenal V/C(villi height/crypt depth) increased after decreased, however, the value of jejunum V/C was similar after 21 days, the ileal V/C decreasing all the time, and 32.15% fewer than born. The height and density of fundus gland creased first and then reduced. The fundus gland showed the highest at 35 days as 362.25μm, the density of which showed the maximum at 21 days as 52.77 /mm.(3) With the daily increased, the amylase activity in intestine and pancreas had a tendency to increase. When the primary, the activity of pancreatic amylase is low, and with the daily increased, which is increasing rapidly. The activity of trypsin in pancreas lower than in intestinal tract, trypsin activity of the blue foxes increased gradually with the cubs growing, but trypsin activity of the silver foxes decreased after increased with the cubs growing, overall it presented a gradually increasing trend. Pancreatic lipase activity was higher than intestinal lipase activity among different species, pancreatic lipase activity of the blue foxes increased with the cubs growing, duodenal lipase activity was higher than the jejunum and ileum lipase activity, the intestine was at a little change. Intestinal lipase activity of the silver foxes decreased after increased with the cubs growing, basically the change tended to be gentle after 21 days. The activity of the disaccharidase increased gradually with the cubs growing. The activity of the pepsase is low before 21 days after birth, and then increased with the cubs growing.The activity of pepsase in gastric mucosa is higher than gastric content from 1 day after birth to 42 days.(4) The development of these two species went similar after comparison analysis of these two, showing no significant differences. But the density of the primary hair follicle and the secondary hair follicle of blue foxes was higher than that in silver foxes, while the width of hair bulb and the depth of the hair follicle in blue foxes were smaller than that in silver foxes. The crypt depth of different intestine parts and the intestinal villi density in blue foxes were higher than that in silver foxes. The V/C value of blue foxes was lower than silver foxes. The stomach fundus gland development went the same way for these two species, increasing at first and decreasing later, with their maximum happening at day 35, but the highest growth happened before day 21 for silver foxes, while the highest growth happened after day 21 for blue foxes. The activity of amylopsin, pancrelipase and trypsinase in silver foxes was higher than that in blue foxes, while the enzyme activity in intestinum showed no obvious regularity. As the day went by, the pepsin activity in gastric mucosa increased at first, decreased later, while the pepsin activity in gastric contents showed gradually increasing trend.
