

The Choice of Rural-urban Continuum Land Circulation Form

【作者】 王立芹

【导师】 张长春; 陈影;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着城市化进程的加速,大量农民离开家乡进城务工,这些农民无法做到务工与务农兼顾,他们的土地如果不荒废必然要进行流转。而生活在不同区位条件、不同经济发展水平地区的农民对土地的态度、土地流转的认知度和接受度[1]及进行土地流转的形式都会有所不同。城乡结合部的农民的生存状况十分复杂,土地状况也十分复杂。土地流转涉及的影响因素众多,流转行为也关系着农民的生存,每一次土地流转背后都包含了农民的深思熟虑。因此,城乡结合部土地流转中如何从农民的立场出发充分体现农民的意愿显得尤为重要。本文在综合前人研究成果的基础上,尝试以石家庄市城乡结合部土地流转为切入点,采取问卷调查和访谈相结合的方式,对当地农民进行调查,并以实地调查数据为基础进行分析研究,力图找出影响城乡结合部农民选择土地流转形式的主要影响因素,进而探索农民心目中适合城乡结合部的土地流转形式。论文由六个部分组成:第一部分:引言。阐述了研究的背景、国内外研究现状以及论文的研究目的和意义,以文献研究的方法对选题所涉及到的理论方法进行了阐述,并提出了可能存在的创新之处。第二部分:相关概念和理论。介绍了土地流转所涉及到的相关概念和理论。对本文出现的概念进行了界定,防止出现概念模糊的情况。第三部分:国内外土地流转相关形式分析。本部分介绍了国内外土地流转的主要形式及经验借鉴。第四部分:土地流转形式选择的影响因素分析。这一部分进行土地流转形式选择影响因素的实证研究。在这部分,本文以石家庄市城乡结合部为研究背景,针对影响土地流转形式选择的因素进行调查研究,运用因子分析法通过对农民意愿的分析得出影响土地流转形式选择的主要因素,可以归结为五个方面,依次为非农务工机会、土地收益额、生活保障因素、国家宏观政策环境、土地规模化程度。第五部分:适合城乡结合部的土地流转形式的选择。在此部分本文尝试设计了以因子分析法得出的影响因素框架为问项的调查问卷,对当地农民的意愿进行访谈调查,然后运用层次分析法对所得实地调查数据进行分析,希望得出适合本地区的土地流转形式,为城乡结合部土地流转提供可行的方式。第六部分:结论。总结全文,指出本文存在的不足,并对今后工作作了展望。本文可能的创新点在于:(1)本文通过实地调查数据分析,用大量的数据说明城乡结合部农民流转土地的真实意愿,以求将以人为本的理念深入贯彻到土地流转的研究中。(2)采用因子分析法来改善层次分析法中递阶层次结构构造时的主观性,在一定程度上增强用层次分析法进行土地流转形式选择时的客观性和科学性。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of urbanization process, a lot of farmers leave their home town to work, these farmers can’t be both work and farming, and their land if not waste must to transfer. And live in different geographical location, the farmers’ attitude to the land in the different level of economic development of the region, farmers’ land circulation awareness and acceptance [1] and the form of rural collective land conversion are all different.The survival of Rural-urban continuum farmers is very complex; land condition is very complex too. Land circulation involves many factors, circulation behaviors also have relationship with farmers’ survival, and each land circulation contains farmers’ deep consideration. Therefore, how to from the standpoint of the farmers and fully reflect the wishes of farmers in the rural-urban continuum land circulation is particularly important.Based on the comprehensive previous research results, and try to consider the rural-urban continuum of Shijiazhuang city as the breakthrough point, take the questionnaire survey and the way of the combination of the interview to investigate the local farmers, and studied and analyzed based on the field survey data, tries to find out the main influence factors of rural-urban continuum land circulation, and then probes the suitable land circulation form of the rural-urban continuum farmers mind.This paper is composed by six parts.Part one, the introduction. Expounds the research background, research situation and the purpose and significance of research papers, narrate the method of literature research of the theory and method involve the topic selection, and also put forward the possible innovative points.Part two, related concepts and theories. Introduced the concepts and theories relate to land circulation. In order to prevent confusion, the concept appears in this article is defined.Part three, domestic and foreign land circulation related form analysis. This part introduces the main form and experience for reference of home and abroad.Part four, the analysis of influence factors of the land circulation forms choice. This part is the empirical research about the form to land circulation choice effect factors. In this part, this paper consider the rural-urban continuum of Shijiazhuang city as the research background, in view of the influence factors of the land circulation form choose research, using the factor analysis method, through the analysis of the farmers’ willingness to that the main factors that affecting the land circulation form choice, can be summed up in five aspects, in order as non-agricultural employment opportunity、land profit amount, life guarantee factors, the macro-policy factors, the degree of land scale.Part five, the choice of suitable form for urban and rural land circulation. In this part, this paper try to design the questionnaire relate to the influence factors that concluded form factor analysis, to survey the will of the local farmers, then use AHP to analysis the field survey data, hope provide feasible circulation form that suit this area.Part six, conclusion. Summing up, this paper points out the deficiencies and discuss the future work.The innovation points of this paper may be.First, based on the field investigation data analysis, with a large number of data indicates the true wishes that urban and rural farmers thoroughly apply the concept of people-oriented to land circulation research.Second, with the factor analysis method to improve the subjectivity of AHP structure, and to some extent, enhanced the objectivity and scientific with analytic hierarchy process to the choice of land circulation form.
