

【作者】 陶路

【导师】 曹文君;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着Internet和信息技术的发展,电子商务这一全新商务模式应运而生。电子商务较之于传统商业具有减少营销环节和消除品牌推广的时空限制等优势,为企业赢得巨大商机。但在运作电子商务时,也要关注电子商务的成本控制和风险管理,否则将会造成重大亏损。在电子商务环境下如何加强对企业成本和风险管理,是本文的研究的目标。婚庆行业涉足电子商务,是电子商务应用发展的产物,从目前适婚人群对于网络的依赖程度来看,婚庆行业开发电子商务是大势所趋。本文首先对课题的研究背景和目的做了阐述,分析并提出了目前婚庆行业电子商务在成本控制方面存在的问题与不足。然后分析和规划了电子商务项目成本与风险管理的对策。利用项目建设运营成本管理方法来控制婚庆项目的成本,具体通过项目建设与维护工作部分外包,推广途径多样化选择与推广结果的反复评定,采用确定物流模式以及人才通过充分的招聘计划,完善的绩效评估体系、有效的薪酬激励机制等方法来实施项目成本控制。通过对项目的SWOT分析,了解项目的风险隐患所在,经过专家评议,制定完整的风险应对计划表,并严格按照计划表采用风险预防、风险转移、风险回避、接受风险等多种方式来应对各种风险。进行持续风险管理和识别新风险来完成项目的风险管理。最后使用信息化项目管理工具,以结婚商城项目为模型,对电子商务项目成本与风险管理的各种方法进行实践,取得了令人满意的研究成果。

【Abstract】 With the Internet and the development of information technology, electronic commerce as a new business mode emerge as the times require. Electronic commerce has reduced compared with traditional business marketing link and eliminate the brand promotion of the constraints of time and space and other advantages, for enterprises to win the huge business opportunities. But in the operation of the electronic commerce, electronic commerce also must pay attention to cost control and risk management, otherwise it will cause significant loss. In the electronic commerce environment how to strengthen the enterprise cost and risk management, is this article research goal.The wedding industry is involved in e-commerce, e-commerce application development product, from at present the nubile crowd for the network on the level, the wedding industry development of electronic commerce is to represent the general trend.Firstly, the research background and purpose set out to do, analyse and put forward to the wedding industry electronic commerce in cost control problems and shortcomings.Then the analysis and planning of the electronic commerce project cost and risk management countermeasures. Use the project construction cost management method to control the project cost by marriage, specific project construction and maintenance work part of outsourcing, promotion way diversification and promotion of the result of repeated assessment, was employed to determine the logistics mode and talent through the recruitment plan, perfect performance evaluation system, effective incentive mechanism to implement the project cost control. Through the SWOT analysis, the understanding of project risk, through expert review, develop a complete risk response plan, and in strict accordance with the schedule using the risk prevention, risk transfer, risk avoidance, risk acceptance in a variety of ways to deal with all kinds of risks. Continuous risk management and identify new risk to the completion of the project risk management. Finally, the use of information project management tools, to wedding mall project as a model, to the electronic commerce project cost and risk management of various methods of practice, achieved satisfactory results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】F715.53;F724.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】527