

【作者】 杨菊

【导师】 崔运武;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 政务服务中心这种管理模式最早起源于英国的“一站式”服务,2000年前后,我国不少地方出现了由政府为推行服务行政而组建的“办证大厅”、“审批中心”“政务服务中心”“便民服务中心”①等等方便企业和群众到政府办事的机构。目前,全国已有近4000个政务公开大厅,全国县级以上地方政府己经建立了3300多个政务服务中心或公开办事大厅。这些地方政府的服务行政机构建立后,就像各大城市刚开始出现“大型超市”时一样,广大市民和企业无不感到政府推行服务行政所带来的极大“方便”。但是,政务服务中心作为一种新事物,在区域经济社会发展、推进行政体制改革和管理创新、加快传统行政管理体制向公共行政体制转变中的改革尝试,还没有形成独立的理论体系和自上而下的法定组织机构,对政务服务中心的未来发展模式也没有形成定论。目前,政务服务中心的建设面临着从理论到实践的各种各样的难题,是我国服务型政府建设过程中的一个重要课题。有鉴于此,研究我国政务服务中心建设发展中的有关问题有着重要的理论意义和实践意义。昆明市五华区政务服务中心自2001年建立至今,已经走过了十年的历程。五华区作为昆明市的核心主城区,很多改革都走在全省全列,在政府职能改革、职能转变上也有一些新路径、新模式。五华区政务服务中心功能齐全,各项工作在政务服务系统具有一定的典型性。把握其发展脉络,分析其存在问题,提出解决对策,可为服务型政府的建设提供启示和经验。本文内容主要分为五个部分。第一章为绪论,就论题的来源、研究的内容和思路、国内外相关文献、研究的目的和意义、研究的理论基础进行了综述。第二章从工作实践出发,分析了五华区政务服务中心的发展现状及取得的初步成效。就政务服务中心的内涵、发展概况、运行现状及成效作了阐述,第三章以笔者供职的五华区政务服务中心为个案,对政务服务中心运行中存在的问题和原因作实证分析。重点分析了在工作实践发展中存在、暴露出来的实际问题,主要表现在:法律制度不完善、职能定位不清晰、条块管理现象存在、服务主体单一、公民参与度不高等,然后分析了制约政务服务中心的一些因素如,管理体制存在障碍、管制理念依然存在、外部监督不足、信息化程度不高等。第四章立足提高行政效能,结合整个政务机构的发展趋势,对其他先进地区政务服务中心建设的理想模式及发展阶段进行了初步探索,以此作为借鉴和参考。第五章阐述了在目前发展阶段五华区政务服务中心发展完善的对策和措施。首先,明确职能定位,推进法制化建设;其次,转变传统观念,不断进行理念更新;第三,推动机制创新,提升行政效能;第四,变革外部行政环境,形成多中心治理;第五,提升电子政务水平,加强信息平台建设。

【Abstract】 The government affairs service center of this management mode of England of the earliest traceable" one-stop" services, before and after 2000, many our country places appeared by the government to carry out the service administration and the formation of the" Hall permit"," examination center"the government affairs service center " to" service center" wait for enterprises and the masses government agencies. At present, the country nearly 4000 government affairs hall, the local governments at or above the county has established more than 3300 government affairs service center or public hall. These local government service agencies to create, as each big city first appears as" supermarket", the general public and enterprise all without exception are the government carries out the service administration brings great convenient"". However, government affairs service centre as a new thing, in the regional economic and social development, promote the reform of administrative system and management innovation, accelerate the traditional administrative system to the public administration system reform in transition, have not formed an independent theoretical system and top-down legal organization, the Government Affairs Service Center for the future development of the model no forming a conclusion. At present, the government affairs service center construction is faced with from the theory to the practice of various problems, is building a service-oriented government in China in the process of an important topic. In view of this, research our country government affairs service center construction related problems in development has very important theory significance and the practical significance.Kunming city Wuhua district administrative service center has been set up since 2001, has gone through the course of ten years. Wuhua District of Kunming city as a core city, many reforms in the province take the entire column, in the reform of government functions, function change also has some new path, new mode. Wuhua district administrative service center functions, each job in government service system is a typical. Grasp the development, analysis of its existing problems, propose solutions, for the construction of a service-oriented government to provide enlightenment and experience. This paper mainly divided into five parts. The first chapter is the introduction, explores the origin, research contents and thinking, the related literature at home and abroad, the research goal and the significance, theory foundation of the research are reviewedThe second chapter from the job practice sets out, analysed Wuhua district administrative service center development and preliminary achievements. On the connotation of government affairs service center, development situation, operation situation and effect are expounded, in the third chapter, the author works of the Wuhua district administrative service center as a case, the chief service center moves in the problem of existence and reason to make empirical analysis. Focus on the analysis of the problems in the development of work in practice, exposed the real problem, mainly displays in:the legal system is not perfect, function is not clear, block management phenomenon, service main single, citizen participation is not high, and then analyzes the restriction of government affairs service center of some factors such as, the management system obstacles, control concept still exist, external supervision, informatization rate is not high.The fourth chapter to improve administrative efficiency, combined with the development trend of government agencies, to the Wuhua area in the future ideal model and stage of development to undertake initial exploration. The fifth chapter elaborated at the current stage of development in Wuhua district administrative service center of development countermeasure and measure. First of all, make clear function fixed position, advance the legal construction; secondly, to change the traditional ideas, constantly updating the concept; third, promote the innovation of mechanism, the improvement of administrative efficiency; fourth, change the external administrative environment, form the polycentric governance; fifth, enhance the standard of electronic government affairs, strengthen the construction of information platform.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】164