

【作者】 段文婷

【导师】 方盛举;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着云南经济的不断发展,耕地保护与发展社会经济建设用地矛盾越发凸显,为了解决矛盾问题,耕地保护的占补平衡制度及相关衍生制度应运而生。本文试图从公共政策过程视角,结合我国耕地保护管理中的占补平衡制度的发展、演进,即从占补平衡制度发展、完善产出城乡建设用地增减挂钩制度,又不断创新产生“地票”交易制度。通过对占补平衡制度产生、发展和实践进行研究。找出该制度在实施过程中存在的问题,并进一步分析问题产生的根源,试图找出解方案。城乡建设用地增减挂钩和“地票”交易作为解决占补平衡制度实施过程中存在问题的两种有效方案随之应运而生。本文用实证的方法对城乡建设用地增减挂钩制度实施取得的效果进行分析研究,论证其作解决占补平衡制度存在问题的能力;同时又从公共政策过程中公共政策制定的各项原则出发,构想并论证“地票”交易制度在云南省实施的可行性。最终得出相应结论。城乡建设用地增减挂钩制度在云南实施情况的实证研究及“地票”交易制度在云南的可行性研究,为云南省耕地保护管理中的占补平衡制度创新提供理论研究依据,或成为政府决策的理论依据。最终为耕地保护相应政策的制定提供参考。为解决关系到云南经济社会又快又好发展和桥头堡战略实施的经济建设用地矛盾以及云南省社会主义新农村建设做出贡献。

【Abstract】 With the economic development of cultivated land protection and development, social and economic construction sites, to underline the contradictions and conflicts, cultivated land protection of the balance of the system and related to come, this system emerged from the perspective of public policy to the process, combined with the cultivated land protection administration of the balance of system development, the evolution from the balance of the system development, improve productivity and system construction sites or hooks, and innovation to create "land-use indicator" trade system. Through the balance, growth and experience of the system in the research, we try to find out the system in the course of the problems, and further analysis of the causes of problems, trying to find solutions. in urban and rural construction sites and to establish "or" business as a solution to the balance of the implementation of the system in existence of effective solutions with the scene. This article by empirical methods for the construction site or implementation of the effect your system for study, make a settlement of the balance of power system, and from public policy in public policy development of principles, the concept and argues "to" trade system in Yunnan province, in the implementation of the feasibility. And rural and urban construction sites or hooks system in the implementation of research and "and" trading system on the feasibility study for the protection of the provincial land management of the balance of theoretical innovation provide research, or the government decision on the theory. for the protection of the corresponding policies to provide reference. For the solution to the economic and social and better development and implementation of the bridgehead economic development strategy for conflict and YUNNAN province, the construction of the new countryside contribute.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F301.21
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】285