

The Design Reserch of Induction Cooker Based on Internet of Things

【作者】 褚红卫

【导师】 李世国;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着物联网时代的到来,物联网网络技术的不断完善、升级,越来越多的家电产品或多或少连入网络系统,生产商开发新产品时也越来越重视与物联网相关的智能家电产品。同时,由于中国城市化进程的快速发展,经济结构的不断完善,经济繁荣的同时也来了新的问题,人们生活节奏加快,工作压力加剧,花费在改善家庭生活环境、饮食等一系列家庭活动的时间也不断压缩,而此时与物联网相关的智能家电产品走进人们的家庭生活就显得尤为重要,从而使得人们的生活方式、消费者行为发生了很大改变,实现本文目的,因此,基于物联网家用电器将成为未来家电发展的主要发展趋势之一。本文首先阐述关于基于物联网电磁炉的概念,采用理论分析与实证研究、定性分析和定量研究相结合的方法,并结合实地观察法和问卷调查法分析电磁炉的发展现状,根据各数据样本把物联网时代消费者人群详细划分为:成熟时尚型、追求完美型、传统居家型三种类型。详细论述了在物联网时代环境下人们家庭生活方式、消费行为的演变对未来电磁炉产品设计的影响。其后,文章提出在物联网时代环境下智慧化的需求,并从文化哲学、科技技术、经济决策、社会心理学、消费心理学等方面探讨未来电磁炉产品设计的理念与方法,为基于物联网电磁炉的设计提供了参考依据。通过对用户、电磁炉、社会环境和消费文化四方面解析,阐述了设计的内在隐性、外在延伸性、功能性的设计原则,并将产品设计层次展开深入研究、分析。在总结归纳前人经验的基础上,文章提出了基于物联网的电磁炉设计原则,主要从造型语言、界面设计、交互操作方式、语意符号、用户感官体验、消费者购买动机、用户情感慰籍等几方面展开论述,构想了一种新型的、会交流、聪明的家电电磁炉产品。以三类生活方式选取目标用户,选取3-5个典型用户做角色分析,且为他们设计电磁炉。这个构想建立在先进的硬件技术、软件技术以及物联网网络通讯技术的基础之上,具有切实的操作可行性。本文由实践电磁炉升级的基于物联网家电电磁炉产品开展设计、研究,从工业设计的角度分析,并结合电磁炉设计方案进行全面地阐述研究,旨在为现代家庭生活提供更丰富多彩的生活、饮食乐趣,同时增进“用户与电磁炉、电磁炉与其他物品”之间的信息交流、沟通,以基于物联网电磁炉产品的设计使现代、未来家电产品焕发无限光彩,从而为用户营造一个温馨、快捷方便、健康的生活、娱乐、饮食空间。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of the era of Internet, Internet network technology continues to improve, upgrade, more and more home appliance products are more or less connected to the network system, production development of new products are more and more attention and Internet of things related to intelligent home appliances. At the same time, because Chinese city changes process of rapid development, economic structure is ceaseless and perfect, economic prosperity, but also brings new problems, people speed up the pace of life, work pressures, spent on improving the family living environment, diet and a series of family activities time has been compressed, and at this time and things related to intelligence household electrical appliances in our family life is very important, so that the people’s way of life, consumer behavior has changed greatly, achieve the purpose of this article, therefore, based on Internet will become the future development of household electrical appliances of the development trend of.In this paper, based on the concept of networking electromagnetic oven, using theoretical analysis and empirical study, combining qualitative analysis and quantitative research method, and combined with the field observation and questionnaire survey analysis of electromagnetic furnace development present situation, according to the sample data of the era of the Internet of things in detail: mature consumers into fashion, the pursuit of perfect type, the traditional home of three kinds of. Discussed in detail under the environment of the era of the Internet of things people family lifestyle, consumer behavior in the future with the development of electromagnetism furnace product design influence. Thereafter, the article puts forward in the era of networking environment intelligent demand, and from the philosophy of culture, science and technology, economy is decision-making, social psychology, consumer psychology and other aspects of the future of electromagnetism furnace product design concept and method for electromagnetic furnace based on Internet of things, the design reference. Through to the user, electromagnetism furnace, the social environment and the culture of consumption four respects analysis, described the design of the inner recessive, external extension, functional design, and product design level of research, analysis.In summarizing the experience of their predecessors on the basis, the article proposed based on Internet of things in the electromagnetic oven design principles, mainly from the modeling language, interface design, operation mode, semantic symbols, user sensory experience, consumer motivation, emotional comfort and so on several aspects, proposed a novel, communicate, clever the appliance of electromagnetism furnace product. In three life style to select the target user, select the 3-5typical user role analysis, and for them to design electromagnetic furnace. The idea is based on the advanced hardware technology, software technology and Internet network communication technology basis, with practical operation feasibility.The practice of electromagnetism furnace upgrade based on Internet appliances Induction Cooker products in the design, research, industrial design from the perspective of analysis, and the combination of electromagnetic furnace design were comprehensively elaborated study, is designed for modern family life more rich and colorful life, eating pleasure, while promoting a" user and electromagnetic stove, electromagnetic stove with other items" between the exchange of information, communication, based on the networking of electromagnetism furnace product design makes the modern, future home appliance product radiate infinite brilliance, so for the user to create a comfortable, convenient, healthy living, entertainment, catering space.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】TM925.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】517