

The Aesthetic Interpretation and Application Research of the Spinning of Handan Area

【作者】 王静

【导师】 王宏付;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 邯郸地区土纺布是手纺手织的民间传统技艺,是具有独特的地方风格特色和浓厚的文化底蕴的民间艺术的活化石,是诠释邯郸地区民风、民俗的活态书本。本文以邯郸地区肥乡县、鸡泽县、魏县三县土纺布为研究对象,通过多次对三县实地调研及对相关文献资料的整理,收集并整理了大量当地土纺布图片和布样。首先,追溯了邯郸地区土纺布的历史渊源,并介绍了当地土纺布的艺术特征,明确了这项非物质文化遗产,蕴含着丰富的民间、民俗文化和浓厚的地域特色,具有研究和保护的价值。其次,通过多次走访三县文化馆及老艺人,实地问询、搜集调研,对当地土纺布的工艺流程、图案、色彩发展过程有了深层次的分析与研究,并详细问询、记录、分析、研究一些图案及色彩的民俗隐喻和艺术审美价值,挖掘其丰富的文化底蕴。最后,在分析研究三县土纺布色彩、图案及民俗隐喻的基础上,运用添加纹样的设计方法,深入探讨当地土纺布在服饰、家纺中的应用空间及价值,并通过与其他传统工艺相融合的设计方法,为当地土纺布寻求更广阔的出路,使这项传统的具有地方特色的技艺继承和传承下去。

【Abstract】 The Handan’s spinning is the traditional technique of hand woven and spun, and also the living fossil for its unique local characteristic and rich cultural heritage of folk art. It is also the full interpretation of Handan customs and folk customs. This passage based on the studying of earth spinning cloth of feixiang、jize、weixian as the subject, through nonetheless study and collection of the reference we get more local pictures and patterns.On the one hand, by tracing of history and the introduction of the characteristic of the spin, we get the conclusion that the intangible cultural heritage which has the rich folk\custom and local characteristic is worth studying and protection.On the other hand, after visiting and studying of the cultural museum and the old folk nonetheless, we have a better analysis and studying of the development of color、patterns ,together with detailed inquirement analysis recording and study the folk metaphor and aesthetic, in order to excavate the rich cultural heritage exactly.Finally, on the basic of analysis of the colors、patterns and the metaphor of folk, still by adding patterns, we have a deep understanding of the value and application space of snit, and also, by combining the traditional ways of designing, it make ways for the heritage and inherit of the traditional and local characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期