

Research of the Overall Stability of Castellated Beams with Different Hole Condition

【作者】 罗文君

【导师】 舒兴平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 蜂窝梁是工字钢或热轧H型钢腹板上按一定的线形进行经切割、组装、焊接而成的空腹梁。蜂窝梁具有自重轻、承载力高、经济、美观、方便等优点,它的截面高度为同原型钢的1.3~1.6倍,因而较大地提高了型钢梁的抗弯强度和刚度。它比实腹梁可节约钢材25%~50%,节省油漆和安装运输费用15%~34.6%。蜂窝梁腹板的孔洞既美观又便于安设管道和电线,因此蜂窝梁在工程实际应用中具有很大的实用价值,正得到越来越广泛的应用。钢梁的稳定性是决定其承载力的一个重要因素。钢梁的稳定性包括平面内的弯曲失稳和平面外的弯扭失稳。若不能提供足够的侧向支撑,往往会先发生平面外的弯扭屈曲。蜂窝梁由于腹板开孔,相对等高度实腹梁其侧向刚度被削弱,在荷载作用下更容易发生整体失稳或局部失稳的情况。本文以能量法为基础,理论分析为补充,将相同孔高的六边形孔和圆孔蜂窝梁的整体稳定进行分析研究对比。研究蜂窝梁在两端等弯矩、横向集中荷载和横向均布荷载三种特殊荷载作用下的弹性弯扭屈曲。同时通过体积和惯性矩相等原则,推导出蜂窝梁弯扭屈曲分析的相关等效刚度。本文通过有限元分析软件ANSYS进行实例计算后与公式的计算结果进行对比分析,以验证理论计算的准确性,并分析出误差产生的原因。本文还拟合了圆孔蜂窝梁转化为六边形蜂窝梁临界弯矩的转化等效系数的回归公式。为我国钢结构设计规范制定蜂窝梁的整体稳定公式提供了参考,同时对实际工程也有一定的价值。

【Abstract】 Castellated beams are steel I-beams or Hot-rolled H-beams with a certain line on the web by cutting, assembling and welding,which have holes on the web. Castellated beams have the advantages of light weight,high bearing capacity, economy, beauty and so on, because they are with the original height of cross section of 1.3 to 1.6 times the beam, greatly improved the steel beams bending strength and stiffness. They can save more than steel solid web beam of 25% to 50%, save the paint and installation of transpotation costs 15% to 34.6%. Holes in the castellated beam web is beautiful and easy to install pipes and wires,therefore,practical applications in engineering castellated beam has great practical value, castellated beams are being more widely used.The stability of steel beams to determine their carrying capacity is an important factor. The stability of steel beams including the In-plane bending buckling and Outside the plane bending buckling, if it can not provide enough lateral support, often occurs the plane bending buckling. With the web openings, castellated beam is weakened by such a high degree of relative lateral stiffness of solid web beam. Under the loading, castellated beams more likely occur the case of overall instability or local instability.In this paper, based on energy method, and theoretical analysis will be complemented, comparative the castellated beams with the same opening hole high by hexagon and circle. Analysis the castellated beams with various moments of critical load about flexural-torsional buckling. And by the principle of equal size and moment of inertia castellated beams are derived contortion equivalent stiffness of the relevant. In this paper, the finite element analysis software ANSYS will be used to check the precision of the formula,and analyze the reason of error. Based on the regressive computation of the results of the finite element analysis, the paper offers the design formula about the equivalent conversion coefficient of the circle hole castellated beam changing into the hexagon hole castellated beam. The study of this paper can serve as some reference for the setup of the formula in codes for design of steel structures to accurately calculate the overall stability of castellated beams and for the engineering practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU392.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】187