

The Ning, a Femle Poet in Modern Times and Her Huanxuan Ci

【作者】 陈硕

【导师】 李剑亮;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 丁宁是我国近代著名的女词人,周子美先生对她甚为推崇,将她与易安相提并论,称“漱玉古人矣,还轩犹在”,陈兼与也曾称丁宁为“今代之漱玉也。”,可见丁宁的词作具有较高艺术价值,词作与漱玉词整体风格相仿,可相媲美。丁宁父母早亡,婚姻不幸,爱女幼夭,生活不胜凄苦;中年飘零他乡谋生的她专心于学词,又潜心佛学;晚年生活稍为安定,但仍是布衣素食、清贫淡泊。丁宁以其“一生遭遇之酷”寄于词中,字字血泪,感人至深。丁宁与生俱来的卓越才情、坎坷颠沛的人生、孜孜不倦的学习,造就了《还轩词》极高的价值。《还轩词》在流传过程中有过多次刊印,但数量均少,现在可见的不同版本的词集十分之珍贵。她的词内容丰富,题材多样,感情真挚:既表达了对亲人朋友的深切思念与怀念,对飘零天涯的伤感与无奈;又有对战乱年代家国兴亡、百姓疾苦的关切与悲愤。丁宁还曾与民国词坛的许多学者、文人有着密切的交往,留下了许多赠友词。在艺术创作技法上,她吸收前人优秀的词句诗句,并且不着痕迹的融入自己的词句中,翻陈出新,从而形成了自己特有的艺术风貌。她的词情景交融,既充分发挥其沉郁凄婉的特点,又兼有豪放的风格,在近代词坛上占有重要地位。对其词进行深入的研究,有助于体悟这位女词人不同寻常的人生经验与清高坚贞的精神气质。本文在全面考察丁宁人生经历的基础上,结合时代背景分析丁宁思想,通过具体的文本分析,集中对其词作进行深入研究,认识她在中国近代词史上的价值。论文主体有四部分构成:第一部分,丁宁生平介绍。这一部分着重介绍丁宁的一生及其交游情况。第二部分,分别介绍了《还轩词》的版本与内容,主要从伤离词、交游词、爱国词、佛学词等四个方面来进行展示。第三部分,从《还轩词》的整体特点;对蒋春霖、李清照等词人作品的继承;对古代诗歌的继承等三个方面进行分析,以说明丁宁词具有的艺术风格。论文结语部分简要阐述《还轩词》的价值,考察丁宁在民国词史上的地位。

【Abstract】 Ting Ning is a famous female poet in modern times, Mr.Zhou Zimei respected her as Li Qingzhao, said“Li Qingzhao is dead, but Ting Ning is still alive”, Chen Qianyu also mentioned Ting Ning as“Li Qingzhao in nowadays”.Ting Ning lost her parents when she was very young, then she had a unhappy marriage, a few years later unfortunately, her little daughter died. When she passed middle age, she make a living in a far place from her hometown and concentrated in studying Ci and Buddhist.It is because of inherent superior talent, suffering fate and tireless study, that creating very high value of Huan Xuan Ci. Huan Xuan Ci has been published many times in the spreading process, but the number was small, made it more precious. Her Ci were rich in content and the emotion was sincere, the themes were varied: expressed deep thoughts to friends; sadness and helpless for a wandering life; also concern and grief for homeland and the people in the war .At that time she had also close contacts with a large number of scholars and writers, and left many Ci about making friend. Techniques in art, she absorbed the results of previous glory and used these into her own Ci which formed its own unique artistic style. The styles of Ting Ning’s Ci were diverse and the glamour was grotesque. She developed the superiority of mild and minute. she takes up the very important position in modern times of Chinese Ci. Depth study of her Ci, helps realized the unusual life experiences of the female poet and her spirit of loyalty and kiyotaka.In this paper, we study about Ting Ning’s life experiences, analysis the thought of Ting Ning With the background, then through specific text analysis, focus on in-depth studying of her Ci to know her value in the history of modern Chinese Ci. This article divides into four parts. The first chapter: Introduction of Ting Ning’s biographies. This section included an introduction of Ting Ning’s life experiences and the situation of making friends. The second chapter: brief Introduction of Huan Xuan Ci’s versions as well as display her Ci’s content from the injury, make friends , patriotic, Buddhist. The third chapter: this part explain characteristics of Huan Xuan Ci from the overall art style; inherited from Jiang Chunlin、Li Qingzhao; inherited from ancient poetry. The last chapter: summary all and briefly shows the value of Huan Xuan Ci to determine Ting Ning’s position in the modern times of Chinese Ci.

【关键词】 丁宁还轩词内容风格
【Key words】 Ting NingHuan Xuan CiArtistic StyleContents