

Secondary Vocational School Students’ Learning Motivation Research Based on the Need Theory

【作者】 于蕾

【导师】 史旦旦; 杜惠洁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中等职业教育是我国高中阶段教育的重要组成部分。随着中等职业学校规模的逐步扩大,越来越来多的学生进入中等职业学校学习,但“中职学生学习动机低不足”几乎成为人们的共识。文章试图通过调查研究达到以下目的:确定中职生学习动机强度;总结中职生学习动机内容分布特征;针对不同的学习动机内容提出动机激发策略。本文采用两个问卷展开研究:自编《中职生学习生活问卷》和改编自黄希庭《学习动机问卷》的《中职生学习动机问卷》。前期选取杭州两所职业高中学生测试,以确定修改后的《中职生学习动机问卷》的信效度。后期抽取三省一市共四所中等职业学校学生,进行正式测试。从性别、年级、是否独生子女等维度,对学生学习动机差异进行分析,并结合中职生学习生活的实际情况,运用教育学、心理学等多学科知识对学生学习动机进行系统地研究,根据不同学习动机内容提出相应的激发策略。调查研究表明:中职生学习动机处于中上水平。学习动机分布特征及差异性结果如下:1.总体上,学生学习动机处于中上水平,学习动机从高到低依次为求知进取、物质追求、社会取向、小群体取向、个人成就、害怕失败。2.求知进取动机在性别、年级、是否独生子女、父母文化程度、毕业去向五个维度存在显著差异。3.社会取向动机在父母文化程度、毕业去向两个维度存在显著差异。4.物质追求动机在毕业去向维度存在显著差异。5.个人成就动机在性别、是否独生子女、父母文化程度三个维度存在显著差异。6.小群体取向在年级、是否单亲两个维度存在显著差异。7.害怕失败动机在年级、毕业去向两个维度存在显著差异。8.六种学习动机内容在生源地以及父母职业上均无显著差异。研究进一步表明,教师完全有可能通过一定的激发策略促进学生的学习。针对不同的学习动机内容分别进行激发,尽可能多的满足学生需求。宏观上,学校和教师要更新学生观,激发学生现有潜能;要着眼于学生的需求。通过班主任的日常管理、自习课更多的自由安排、丰富的社团活动为学生创造条件发挥他们的自主性。微观上,对学生由不同的“优势需要”所产生的主要学习动机,采取针对性的措施。创设“最近发展区”,满足学生求知进取的动机;完善就业指导课程,满足物质追求动机;增加心理课的活动内容,满足社会取向动机;形成合作型课堂,满足小群体取向动机;实施多维度课堂教学,满足个人成就动机需要;采用柔性化管理,满足害怕失败动机。

【Abstract】 Secondary vocational education is an important part of secondary education inChina. With the secondary vocational school scale unceasing expanding , more andmore students study there. However,students’ weariness in learning is long-standing,which bothers the school leadership and teachers. The people reached a consensusthat the vocational school students’ learning motivation is low. The thesis tries toachieve the following purposes by investigation and study: determining the intensityof vocational school students’ learning motivation; summarizing distributioncharacteristics of learning motivation contents and proposing respective motivationstrategies in view of the different learning motivation contents.This study adopts self-compiled "Secondery Vocational School Students’Learning and Life Questionnaire" and "Secondery Vocational School Students’Learning Motivation Questionnaire", which is adapted from Huang Xiting’s "LearningMotivation Questionnaire" .In the first sectioin,two secondery vocational schoolstudents in Hangzhou had been chosen to determine the reliability and validity of the"Secondery Vocational School Students’ Learning Motivation Questionnaire".In thesecond section,students from secondery vocational schools in three provinces and onecity have been chosen to finish the two formal tests. After that,the questionnaires wereanalyzed from gender, grade,and whether singleton and more aspects.Combinating ofwhat the vocational school students’ learning and life questionnaire responsed to,andusing pedagogy, psychology as well as other disciplines of knowledge to systemlyresearch the students’ learning motivation and based on different learning motivationcontents of the secondary vocational school students ,excitation strategyies weregiven accordingly.Through investigation and analysis, the students learning motivation conclusionsare as follows: 1.Overall,the rank of students’ learning motivation contents from highto low is knowledge,pursuit of material comforts,social orientation,small grouporientation,personal achievements,fear of failure.2."Knowlege"motivation hassignificant differents in gender, grade, singleton, parental education level andgraduation.3.There are marked differents among parents’ culture and graduationdifferents in social orientation"motivation.4."Pursuit of material motivation" has significant differences in graduation.5."Individual achievement motivation" in gender,whether the singleton, parental education level has significant difference.6."Smallgroup orientation has significant differences in grades and whether single.7.There aremarked grade and graducation differents in "fear of failure"8.There shows nosignificant different in residence and parental occupation among the six kinds oflearning motivation contentsBased on the above findings, it is probably for teachers to promote students’learning through certain excitation strategies.We can meet as many needs of thestudents as possible in view of the different learning motivation contents. Frommacroscopical view,schools and teachers should update the concept of students,which means secondary vocational school students’ learning motivation is in themiddle and upper level, students are potential and we should focus on the needs ofthem. In addition,we can create conditions for students to express their autonomythrough the daily management, in self-study class, rich extracurricular activities. Fromthe microcosmic view, specifical targeted measures should be carried out based onstudents’ "proximal development zone", which is created by different" advantageneed" to satisfy students’ "knowledge"motivation; improve the vocational guidance tosatisfy the "pursuit of material" needs; increase the psychological activities to satisfy"the social orientation "motivation; form a cooperative classroom, to satisfy "smallgroups oriention" motivation; the implementation of multi dimension teaching tosatisfy the needs of "the individual achievement"; using flexible management tosatisfy the "fear of failure" motivation.
