

The Design and Implementation of STEP Product Information Sematic Converter Based on OWL

【作者】 孟海忠

【导师】 简琤峰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术的发展和互联网技术的进步,企业集成制造趋势越发明显,传统的产品信息表达方式和处理模式已无法适应现代企业的需求。产品信息的交换与共享已不再局限于数据内容、格式的交换与共享,信息共享的层次已由数据共享上升为知识共享。而随着网格计算、语义网以及语义网格的研究兴起,产品信息交换与共享研究层次也在不断上升,研究内容也在不断深入。本文以《语义网格环境下虚拟组织异构产品信息语义在线重组技术及其应用》项目为研究背景,主要研究STEP产品信息的OWL语义描述方法与实现,重点研究了基于OWL的STEP产品信息语义转换器的设计与实现方法,开发了针对AP203应用协议的STEP Part21物理文件的双向转换器。旨在解决网络环境下的STEP产品数据信息在语义层次的共享和交换问题。本文主要做了以下几个方面的工作:⑴介绍了产品信息交换与共享技术的国内外研究现状。⑵介绍了STEP标准及语义网的相关概念,为下文定制STEP标准与OWL之间的转换规则和转换器的实现提供相关理论基础支持。⑶制定了STEP标准与OWL之间的映射规则,详细阐述了STEP标准描述语言EXPRESS和OWL之间的映射关系,包括数据类型、实体、函数、规则等相关概念的转换规则,对一些特殊情况作了重点讨论,对规则和函数转换引入了SWRL和MathML,同时详细讨论了STEP AP203物理文件与OWL的映射方法。⑷详细阐述了基于OWL的STEP产品信息语义双向转换器的设计与实现,包括EXPRESS解析器的设计与实现(完成EXPRESS文件的解析和本体库的建立);前处理器(完成STEP AP203文件到OWL文件的转换)的设计与实现;后处理器(完成OWL文件到STEP AP203文件的逆向转换)的设计与实现。⑸为了验证转换器在网络共享STEP产品语义信息方面的准确性和一致性,本文以三维CAD软件(SolidWorks)建立的齿轮模型的AP203文件作为数据源,在B/S架构的语义交换原型系统上完成转换,以验证转换器的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer technology and Internet technology,the trends of enterprise integration of manufacturing are more obvious. The traditional way of expressing and processing product information model has been unable to adapt to the needs of modern enterprise. Product information exchange and sharing is no longer limited to the content and format, but on the level of knowledge. The research on the grid computing, semantic web and semantic grid makes product information exchange and sharing on a higher level. This thesis is based on the project which is named The Research And Application On Product Semantic Information Sharing and Exchange Under Semantic Grid Environment.This work studies the design and implementation of the Converter for STEP product Semantic information based on OWL, develops a two-way converter which can be used in the translating between STEP Part21 according to AP203 and OWL. The goal of this thesis is to solve the problems which exist in the STEP product semantic data sharing and exchange under network environment.The main work of this thesis is as follows:⑴We introduced some research on product semantic data sharing and exchange.⑵We introduced the STEP and the concepts of Semantic Web, which can provide theoretical basis to building conversion rule between OWL and STEP and the implementation of the converter.⑶We gave the conversion rule between STEP and OWL, and described the mapping method about Data types, entities, functions, rules and so on; we discussed how to use SWRL or MathML to describe function and rule. In this thesis, we also gave the mapping method from AP203 to OWL.⑷We discussed the design and implementation of the STEP product sematic converter based on OWL, which includes the EXPRESS analyzer (accomplish the analysis of the EXPRESS schema and the establishment of the Ontology Base), the Preprocessor (accomplish the conversion from STEP AP203 file to OWL file), the Postprocessor(accomplish the conversion from OWL file to STEP AP203 file).⑸In order to verify the converter’s accuracy and consistency on STEP product sematic information sharing under Internet, CAD software SolidWorks was used to help establish a gear model.we exported the AP203 file from SolidWorks, and used our converter to accomplish the conversion.The result proved our converter is accurate and consistent.

【关键词】 语义共享STEPOWL本体转换器
【Key words】 semantic sharingSTEPOWLOntologyconverter