

【作者】 莫小锦

【导师】 周严;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着科技的不断进步以及人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对自身物质文化的要求也越来越高,对生活环境的优劣、舒适度也越来越关注。因此环境质量的优劣、各设备的工况已成为高级会所、公共场所的常规监测项目。建立智能化的环境监测系统对于改善环境质量尤为重要。环境监控的关键点在于实时、准确的获取需要监控的环境信息。目前大多数的监控仍然采用有线的方式获取信息,但这要求在建筑建造初期就设计布线、加以考虑,后期如果要增加监测量、改造等布线就十分困难。因此本论文主要研究基于射频技术与无线网络技术的高级会所智能监控系统。本研究项目是针对无锡的某高级会所进行智能监控改造的设立的。论文设计了整个高级会所的智能监控方案,重点研究了会所温湿度的监控技术。首先,设计了基于射频技术的无线温湿度采集模块,实时采集现场环境温湿度数据。其次根据会所温湿度的监控要求利用中央空调实现会所温湿度的调控。由于温湿度控制系统的耦合性设计了温湿度的模糊-解耦控制器,这种控制器比常规的PID控制有更高的精度,实现了会所环境温湿度的控制要求。在上述工作的基础上,论文应用虚拟仪器的LABVIEW软件开发了会所自动监控程序,实现了整个会所的智能监控。现场调试证明:本论文采用的模糊-前馈耦合控制算法很好的实现了该会所的温湿度控制。论文设计的智能监控系统实现了会所智能监控的要求,实时反映会所各个设备的运行工况,发生故障时能及时报警。

【Abstract】 In recent years, people’s demands of material and cultural increasing as improve of technology advances and people’s living standards. And concerned more about the living environment and comfortable. Therefore, the environmental quality and the condition of the equipment has become routine monitoring program of a senior club and public places. Establishment of intelligent environmental monitoring system is particularly important for improving the quality of the environment. The key point of environmental monitoring to get information is real-time and accurate. Most of the monitor access to get information still use wired, this requires the construction of buildings early in the design of wiring and it is very difficult to increase the amount of transformation of the wiring on monitoring. Therefore, this thesis research is based on radio frequency technology and wireless network technology, senior clubs intelligent monitoring system.This intelligent monitoring research project is established for a senior club of Wuxi. Papers will be advanced club design intelligent monitoring program, focusing on the club’s temperature and humidity monitoring technology. First, the design is based on RF technology, wireless temperature and humidity data acquisition module and real-time data collected on-site environmental temperature and humidity. Second, according to the requirements of clubs temperature and humidity, clubs using central air-conditioning control temperature and humidity. As the coupling of the temperature and humidity control system, temperature and humidity of the fuzzy-decoupling controller than the conventional PID control with higher accuracy, to achieve the club’s control of environmental temperature and humidity requirements. On the basis of the above work, the paper applied virtual instrument LABVIEW software to develop club automatic monitoring program, to achieve the club’s intelligent monitoring.Scene debugging to prove:This paper uses fuzzy-coupled feedforward control algorithm to achieve a good temperature and humidity control of the club. Thesis of intelligent monitoring system designed to complete the requirements of intelligent monitoring club, each club to reflect real-time operating conditions of equipment, and the failure is reported immediately.

  • 【分类号】TP277;TH811;TH837
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】190
  • 攻读期成果