

Experimental Investigation on Fabrication and Boiling Heat Thansfer Characteristics of Nanostructured Macroporous Surface

【作者】 宋鹏飞

【导师】 李强;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工程热物理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 表面多孔结构强化沸腾传热是一种高效的强化传热技术,能够有效提高传热性能,大幅提高能源利用效率。本文对微纳多孔表面的制备方法进行了实验研究,分析了电镀电流、电镀时间、是否加入表面活性剂等实验条件对微纳多孔表面的结构及其特征物理量的影响,证明了通过控制实验参数能够获得稳定的微纳多孔表面。以去离子水为工质,测定了不同微纳多孔表面的沸腾传热性能,分析了孔隙率等特征物理参数对微纳多孔表面沸腾传热性能的影响。通过分析对比微纳多孔表面和光滑表面的沸腾传热性能得出结论:微纳多孔表面的沸腾传热性能相对于光滑表面有显著提高,在同一热流密度下,微纳多孔表面的沸腾传热系数最高可提高到光滑表面的1.7倍,过热度最高可降低13℃左右;而在同一过热度下,沸腾传热系数最高可提高到光滑表面的3.2倍;光滑表面的临界热流密度约为178W/cm2,微纳多孔表面的临界热流密度约为292W/cm2,约为光滑表面的1.64倍,有很明显的提高。

【Abstract】 The porous surface structure is a highly efficient heat transfer enhancement, it can effectively improve the heat transfer performance, and significantly improve energy efficiency.Experimental research and exploration were done and finally the optimal experimental approach for electrodeposition was found to got the nanostructured macroporous surfaces, and it is proved that porous surfaces with relatively stable size of the main particle can be obtained using this method.The influence of experimental conditions, such as electroplating current, electroplating time, and with or without surfactant, to the porous layer was analyzed and compared qualitatively. These experimental conditions impact the structure and characteristic parameters of the nanostructured macroporous surfaces markedly.Pool boiling tests were performed in water, in order to assess the influence of surface features on boiling. It’s been proved that characteristic parameters would evidently affect the boiling heat transfer performance of the nanostructured macroporous surfaces. The superheat can be mostly reduced about 13℃at the same heat flux, and the heat transfer coefficient of the nanostructured macroporous surfaces can be enhanced up to about 1.7 times that of the smooth surface, and while at the same superheat, it can be enhanced up to about 3.2 times. The critical heat flux of the smooth surface and one nanostructured macroporous surface was tested respectively. The results show that the critical heat flux of smooth surface is about 178W/cm2, and for the porous surface sample it is about 292W/cm2. It was a noticeable enhancement, up to about 1.64 times of the smooth surface sample.

  • 【分类号】TK124
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