

【作者】 张帆

【导师】 许前; 卫汉洋;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以理论计算方法和实验数据为依据,对供电线路对电能表电量计量产生的误差进行比较分析,建议采用计算法来追补损失电量。研究的重点有四个方面:一是电能表电量计量的基本原理,分析了感应式电能表电量计量的基本原理和电子式电能表电量计量的基本原理以及两者的异同点和优缺点。并介绍了目前使用的电能表特点。二是对供电线路对电能表电量计量误差进行了分析,对电压互感器、电流互感器对电量计量产生的误差的原因和解决的方法进行了描述和比较。三是对供电线路对电量计量带来的误差进行了理论分析及追补电量的计算,对实际工作中经常遇见的感应式电能表电压A、B、C三相任意相高压保险丝熔断带来的计量误差、电子式电能表电压A、B、C三相任意相高压保险丝熔断带来的计量误差、电流互感器极性接反带来的计量误差进行了理论分析及追补电量的计算。四是大量的实验研究,理论是要靠实践来证明,本研究以电子式三相三线多功能电能表,在三相电能表校验台上进行模拟现场试验。实验验证主要分为四个部分:一是被试表(两种电源结构三相三线电能表)基本误差测定。二是被试表断压时在表端子座测得电压(V)。三是失压时电能表的误差测定。四是失压下走字试验。并将利用表误差来补算的有功电量及无功电量(依据补电量计算系数)与正常状态工作下对应的电量进行比较,所得结果相吻合,为供电线路对电量计量带来误差的理论分析及追补电量计算的准确性提供了依据。解决了日常工作中由于各种因数导致电量计量产生误差而需追补电量的问题,达到仲裁计量纠纷的目的。

【Abstract】 The theoretical calculation method and experimental data as the basis, the power supply circuit to power measurement error of the produce electric energy meter, this paper analyzes the recommended calculation method to ZhuiBu power loss. The focus of research has four aspects:one is the basic principle of electric power measurement, this paper analyzes the inductive power meter measuring the basic principle and electrical meter measuring power the basic principle and the differences and similarities between both advantages and disadvantages. And introduced the current use of electric energy meter characteristics.2 it is for power supply circuit to power electric energy meter measuring error was analyzed and the voltage transformer, current transformer in one of the cause of the error of measurement produce and the solving methods are described and compared. Three of the power supply lines is to bring power measurement of the error theory analysis and ZhuiBu power calculation and practical work often meet of inductive voltage meter A, B and C three-phase any phase of high pressure fuse fusing bring error, electrical meter measuring voltage A, B, C three-phase any phase high pressure measuring error brought fusing the fuse, current transformer at the polarity of the measurement error brought the theory analysis and ZhuiBu power calculation. Four is a large number of experimental research, the theory is to rely on practice to prove, the electronic three-phase three line multi-function watt-hour meter, three-phase watt-hour meter calibration on the simulation test.Experiment mainly divided into four parts:one is the temperature was (two power structure three-phase three line watt-hour meter) basic error determination.2 it is the temperature was broken pressure in the table terminal measured a voltage (V). Three is to lose pressure watt-hour meter of the error of measurement. Four is under pressure loss go word test. And will use the table to fill the active error is power and reactive power (basis for calculating power coefficient) and the normal work of the corresponding power compared, the results coincide, for the power supply circuit to bring power measurement error of the theoretical analysis and ZhuiBu power the accuracy of the calculation to provide the basis. Solve the daily work because all kinds of factor lead to power measurement errors of the problem and the need to ZhuiBu power, to the purpose of the dispute arbitration measurement.
