

【作者】 王银

【导师】 李开明;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 兵器发射理论与技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以火箭燃气射流冲击效应实验研究需要为依据。构建了一种并联构型的可捷联各种被试模型的能模拟火箭弹与发射装置动态相对运动的通用实验平台。首先分析了火箭燃气流研究任务的特点和以往试验平台的问题,提出非对称的3-(2SPS)三平动并联机构加回转工作台的混联构型方法,以满足被试模型与火箭发动机的多种相对位置关系需要。接着就并联机构进行尺度综合、位置解、工作空间以及运动学、动力学研究。在位置解析与运动学方面,给出了机构的具体尺寸,建立机构的上下平台坐标系对机构进行位置正反解。建立机构的运动学模型,推导了机构的雅克比矩阵和海森矩阵,仿真分析了机构的运动学。在工作空间方面,采用快速极坐标搜索法,给出机构的约束条件,搜索出工作空间轮廓。分别研究了机构的相关参数对工作空间的影响,以便对工作空间进行优化。研究了机构的奇异位置,得出机构的工作空间内无奇异位置。对机构的运动灵巧性进行评价,机构的灵巧度指标较低。在动力学研究方面,先分析了机构的静力学特性,截取工作空间的2个截面,利用虚位移原理研究了支链在截面内的静力特性。接着研究机构单支链传动动力学,得到上平台等效到轴上的转动惯量,推导出电机输出量与支链输出量的传递函数框图。最后推导了机构的多体动力学拉格朗日方程。文末利用多体动力学软件对系统进行了仿真,与之前的工作进行了对比,验证推导的正确性。本文研究的燃气射流冲击效应测试平台对于火箭、导弹武器系统发射装置结构优化有巨大推动作用。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this paper is to design a new kind of jet flow test system with parallel robotics which has high-precision, high stiffness. The paper studies the position, work- space, kinematic dynamic and so on of the system.First, the article analyzes the structure of the system. The system is designed in the form of non-symmetrical parallel manipulator. It only has three translational degrees of freedom. According to the need of rocket jet flow test, define the specific size of every part. Establish coordinate system on both up and down platform. Analyze the inverse and forward position of the manipulator. Derive the Jacobian matrix and Hessian matrix of the system. At last we simulate the kinematics of the manipulator.Followed by, we analyze the workspace of the manipulator. The boundary of the workspace is found using a fast search method. Giving the constraints of several limitations, we can scan the outline of the workspace. In order to optimize the workspace, several parameters which may affect the shape of the workspace are studied. Let the Jacobian matrix equals 0 find out the singular position in the workspace.Then we analyzed the mechanical properties of the manipulator. At first, we analyze the static mechanical properties of the manipulator. We select two sections of the workspace, and use the virtual work method to calculate the static characteristics of the 6 screws. Then obtain the Lagrange equations of the manipulator.At the end of this paper, we use the multi-body dynamics simulation software to simulate the system. Compared with the previous work we did, we can verify the correctness of the result.The conclusions we get from the article are important to optimize the manipulator.
