

The Research on Stability Performance of Cold-Formed Thin Wall Steel Components with Rectangular Section

【作者】 仲亚囡

【导师】 杨娜;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近几年冷弯薄壁型钢住宅结构的出现及推广,集成装配式薄壁轻钢结构体系得到广泛的应用。对于这种结构体系整体的稳定性能与其组成构件及连接节点的稳定性直接相关。由于板件宽厚比较大,此类薄壁梁柱构件极易出现局部屈曲且具有较高的屈曲后强度,因此该类构件的稳定性能包括静力及动力性能不同于厚壁普通钢构件。本文基于构件耗能理论,探讨塑性发展耗能与局部屈曲变形耗能对于构件稳定性能的不同影响,总结矩形薄壁构件的恢复力模型,对其在工程中的实际应用具有重要的指导意义。本文主要研究内容分为四部分:第一部分,有限元原理导入及数值模型的验证。通过基本理论及有限元数值建模与试验结果比较,验证数值模型的正确性及可应用性。第二部分,冷弯薄壁型钢矩形截面短柱稳定性能分析,包括静力稳定性能及常轴力和循环弯矩作用下的动力稳定性能分析。这一部分通过大量的数值模拟分析结果,分析材料参数(屈服强度、强屈比),几何参数(截面宽厚比、截面高宽比、长细比),荷载参数(轴压力)等系列因素对短柱构件的屈曲稳定、耗能机理、失效模式等的影响,考察地震作用下构件的耗能机理。第三部分,冷弯薄壁型钢矩形截面长柱稳定性能分析,包括静力稳定性能及常轴力和循环弯矩作用下的动力稳定性能分析。这一部分通过大量的数值模拟分析结果,分析各参数对长柱构件的屈曲稳定、耗能机理、失效模式等的影响,考察地震作用下长柱构件的耗能机理。第四部分,通过二三章归纳的不同失效模式对应构件的不同规律,总结并提出冷弯薄壁矩形截面构件在地震荷载作用下的恢复力模型。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the emergence and development of cold-formed thin-wall steel dwelling houses, integrated fabricated thin-walled light steel structure system has been widely used. For this kind of structure system, the whole stability performance is directly related to the stability of its components and connecting nodes. Element sections are liable to local and appear higher buckling strength for the larger width-to-thickness ratio of plates. So the stability of thus components including static and dynamic performance is different from common steel members. This paper, based on the theory of energy consumption, clarifies the effects of energy-dissipation modes between plastic development and the local buckling deformation on the stability performance of thin-walled rectangular steel components, and summarizes the restoring force model of such components. That offers the important guiding significance to the actual application of the project.The main contents of this paper are divided into four parts.The first part is the finite element theory and validated numerical model. It valued the validity and applicability for the numerical model by the comparation between the experimental results and finite element numerical modeling results.The second part analyses the stability performance of short columns including static stability and dynamic stability performance.In this part, influence of some parameters like material property(yield strength, strength-yield ratio), geometry parameters (high-to-width ratio, slenderness ratio), load parameters (axial pressure) on the buckling failure modes and energy-dissipation mechanism has been evaluated. The third part focuses on the stability performance of long columns. Based on the previous two parts, the fourth part summarize three different failure modes of inductive components, and put forward the restoring force model of cold-formed thin-wall rectangular section components.
