

Construction of China, Japan and South Korea Exchange Rate Coordination System

【作者】 韩啸

【导师】 邱丹阳;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 2008年全球金融危机的爆发,再次给东亚各国敲响了警钟,即一个经济区或经济体里面最好要有一种有效的货币合作机制,是防止域外国家或经济体以汇率等金融手段转嫁危机的最佳方式。由于种种原因,以中日韩三国为主的东亚地区建立类似欧盟的单一货币仍然困难重重,但在三国之间建立起一种货币合作安排,实现三国的汇率协调,并非遥不可及。中日韩三国之间的贸易往来频繁,贸易金额巨大,同时三国的经济互补性很强,经济上形成了相互依存的关系。因此三国都需求一个稳定的汇率环境。同时,从政治上来说,后金融危机时期,日本在外交政策上,有回归亚洲、重视亚洲的趋势,在日美关系上,追求对等关系。在中日双边关系方面,2008年中日签署了《中日关于全面推进战略互惠关系的联合声明》,双方确认两国为合作伙伴关系,标志着两国关系进入全新的时期。同年,中日韩三国领导人在日本福冈举行会议,在《三国伙伴关系联合声明》中提出:将在开放、透明、互信、互利、尊重文化差异的原则下推进区域合作。标志着东亚新的合作机制的建立,对推动东亚区域合作有着重要作用和影响,这也为东亚货币合作提供了政治基础。本文通过政治、经济层面以及国际关系理论对汇率协调体系建构的可行性和必要性进行分析,指出构建汇率协调体系是东亚货币合作,乃至东亚共同体建设的关键所在。中日韩三国必须抓住机遇,搁置争议,才是符合各国利益的选择。

【Abstract】 In 2008, the financial crisis rang an alarm bell to east Asian countries once again. It is necessary to establish an effective mechanism of monetary cooperation which is the best way to prevent other countries use exchange rate to transfer its own economic crisis on to other.However,in a period of time, East Asian countries can not build high level monetary cooperation like EU.In this case, a few major countries in this region achieve the goal of coordination mode of exchange rate is more feasible in a short term.The trade between China, Japan and the ROK frequently and the trade amount is huge. While the three countries are highly complementary economically.Therefore,all three countries need a stable exchange rate environment.Meanwhile,the foreign policy of Japan attach greater importance to Asia and pursuit reciprocal relation with U.S.In 2008,China and Japan singed a joint statement on comprehensive advancement of their strategic and mutually beneficial relations. Both sides affirm each other for partner relations. It marks the relations between China and Japan have entered a new era. In the same year, the leaders of China, Japan and the ROK held a meeting in Fukuoda,and signed the Joint Statement for Trilateral Partnership. The joint statement pointed out that the three countries would carry out cooperation under the principles of openness,transparency,mutual trust, mutual benefit and respect for cultural differences, and advance wider-ranged regional cooperation. And it plays important role to promote East Asian regional cooperation. Which also provided a political base for monetary cooperation in East Asia.In this paper, we use political economics and international relations theories to analyze the feasibility of exchange rate coordination system. And we point out build coordination mode of regional exchange rate is the key to East Asian monetary cooperation and community building.China,Japan and Korea must seize this opportunity, laying aside disputes, which is the best choice to earn the national interests.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F823.1
  • 【下载频次】117