

On the Combination of College Ideological and Political Education with Campus Culture

【作者】 张晓青

【导师】 吕健;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳航空航天大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,世情、国情、党情的新变化,对高等教育提出了新的要求;全球化、多元化、信息化,给高校思想政治教育带来了新机遇。校园文化是在高校这一特定的环境中,全体师生员工共同创造并拥有的价值观念和文化体系。校园文化由于自身本质特征和功能所决定,必然成为高校思想政治教育工作的重要载体,丰富和充实高校思想政治教育的内容,拓宽高校思想政治教育的空间和途径,拓展高校思想政治教育的方法和手段,对思想政治教育起着促进作用。高校思想政治教育与校园文化建设两者有一个共同的教育目的——共同承担着高等教育对大学生非智力素质的培养,这就使得两者必然会相互联系、相互影响。本文综合运用思想政治教育学、管理学的基本原理,研究相关典型案例,主要对我国高校思想政治教育与校园文化建设的相关理论进行了阐述。透彻分析了两者间的差异与相同之处,深入探讨了两者相契合的优势,进而提出契合的实现方式,并试图架构一种高校思想政治教育与校园文化建设契合的机制。一方面使高校思想政治教育与校园文化建设在具体实践中能够相互借鉴;而另一方面通过这种机制的整合与规范作用,使得两者在实践中能更融洽的契合,更迅速的发挥契合的整体效应,推动我国高等教育的发展,使其形成一种特色优势。

【Abstract】 More than 30 years since the reform and opening-up, the world situation, national circumstances and the case of our Party have changed greatly, which has propsed new demends on the higher education. Globalization, diversity and informationization bing new opportunities for college ideological and polital education. Campus culture is a set of values and cultural system togetherly created and owned by all the students, faculties and starffs in the particular environment of colleges and universities. Due to the essential features and functions of its own, the campus culture is bound to be the important carrier of college political education. To enrich and substantiate the content of ideological and political education, to broaden the space and means of it, to expand the ways and approchs to it, somehow, all of them constitute a catalytic role in the ideological and political education.The ideological and political education and the construction of campus culture, both share a common educational purpose - to culture the college students of non-intellectual factors, which makes them both interrelated and mutually influential. This paper comprehensively applys to fundamental principles both the Ideological and Political Education and Management to research on related typical cases,and mainly clarifys theories related to ideological and political education and the construction of campus culture.It thoroughly analyzes the the differences and similarities between the two, depthly discuss the advantages of the two-phase fit, and then put forward approaches realize the two-phase fit, as well as to construct the mechnism for the two-phase fit between ideological and polital education and the construction of campus culture.On one side, make it possible to learn from each other between the two of them; on the other side, make it a special advantage to prompt the development of domestic higher education through the efectiveness of the mcchnism’s integration and regulation to make it more harmonious fit in spccific practice and more rapid to play the integrited effctivenes.
