

Vulnerable College Students and Ideological and Political Education

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 赵子祥;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳航空航天大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济的发展,我国目前正处于激烈的社会转型期,在经济取得举世瞩目成就的同时,一些社会问题也不可避免地出现了。大学生弱势群体问题就是在这样的时代背景下产生的。由于大学生是国家未来的建设者,大学生弱势群体问题能否得到妥善解决关系到我国经济的长远发展及和谐社会的建设,关系到国家的命运和前途。大学生弱势群体问题日益突出,绝对数量也不断增加,因此我们应该重新认识和研究这个问题,通过加强高校思想政治教育来减轻这一问题,引导学生全面、健康成长,是具有十分重要的理论和实践意义的。本文从大学生弱势群体的概念出发,在参鉴中外学者研究的基础上对大学生弱势群体的概念进行了界定,然后根据成因对大学生弱势群体进行分类,分别概述每一类的弱势大学生的特点。然后论述了加强大学生弱势群体思想政治教育的重要意义,这是研究大学生弱势群体问题的基础。第三章从社会、学校、家庭以及学生自身的角度对大学生弱势群体问题的成因进行研究;第四部分在之前研究的基础上分别从政府、学校、家庭和个人等角度探讨了加强大学生弱势群体思想政治教育的对策,该部分是本文的重点和难点,希望对高校开展弱势群体的思想政治教育工作有一定的理论和实践意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of the market economy, China is currently in the period of scocial transformation, while gainning remarkable achievements, some social problems come out inevitably . The issue of vulnerable college students came out in such a background. As the builders of the future of our country , whether the issue of vulnerable college students can be properly resolved relates to the long-term econmic development and the construstion of the harmious society of our country, even the destiny and future. The issue of vulnerable college students is becoming increasingly prominent , the absolute number of the students keeps increasing, so we should re-understand and study the problem and to relieve it by strengthening the Ideological and political education in colleges and universities. It is of great significance both in theory and in practice to guide students to a comprehensive and healthy development. The text starts from the concept of vulernable college students, and defines it on the basis of referring to Chinese and foreign scholars’studies, and then, classifies according to the causes of them, which is the basis of researching on the issue.The chapter II firstly researchs on causes of the vulernable college students from perspectives of the society, school, families and students themselves; Thirdly, it analyzes the status of the contemporary Ideological and Political Education in colleges and universities of our country. During this course, it attaches importance on finding out the shortcomings. The forth section is one of importance and difficulty in this text, where it aims at the effective countermeasures about the vulnernable college students’Ideological and Political Education on the basis of former research. We hope that this paper is conducive to carry out the Ideological and Political Education on students for colleges and universities in academics.
