

The Research of Management Undergraduate Education "Quality Engineering" Project

【作者】 张雨

【导师】 曾冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2007年教育部和财政部联合出台了《教育部财政部关于实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的意见》(教高[2007]1号);文件中提出了“高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程”(以下简称“质量工程”),目的为了更好地深化高等教育教学改革,增强人才培养的水平和能力,进一步满足社会经济发展对各种创新型人才的需求。文章通过对全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)所属高校获得的“质量工程”八个项目(即大学生创新试验计划、实验教学示范中心、教学名师、教学团队、特色专业建设点、精品课程、双语示范课程和人才培养模式创新试验区)数量进行搜集整理,并将基础数据按照省市地区和高校层面进行分类,得出它们获得国家级“质量工程”项目数量的情况;对于各省市的分类,将我国31个省(市、自治区)分成东、中、西三个地区,分别统计三个地区获得国家级“质量工程”项目的情况并进行比较,找出三地区之间的差异;对于高校层面的分类,将本科高校分为“985”工程、“211”工程和非“211”工程三个层面,并对三个层面的高校获得的国家级“质量工程”项目数量进行统计比较,找出三层面之间的差距。接着再对各省市、各高校在“质量工程”项目建设方面所采取的措施以及建设经验进行归纳总结,找出当前“质量工程”项目建设和管理过程中存在的问题,并提出相应的对策和建议。全文撰写当中主要应用了文献法、数据收集法、求平均法、对比分析法等研究方法。

【Abstract】 The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the "Ministry of Education and Ministiy of Finance’s Suggestion on implementing project of undergraduate teaching quality and reform in higher education institutions". It brought out the project of undergraduate teaching quality and reform (hereinafter called "the quality project"), aiming to improving education reform in colleges and universities, to better the ability and level of education, so as to satisfy the needs for creative talented people of the social development. This paper collected and sorted the number of the eight items of "the quality project", which are the undergraduate creative experiment program, experimental teaching demonstration centre, great teacher, teaching team, special major, classical program, bilingual demonstration program and education model creative experimental area, of the provincial higher institutions in 31 provinces all over the country, and classified the data according to different provinces and cities and schools, drew the number of the "quality project" that they required. As to the provinces, we separated the whole country to three areas which is the East, the Middle and the West, and compared the number of the awards in three areas to find out the difference. As to the higher institutions, classified the whole package to ’985’project,’non-985’project but’211’project and’non-211’project school, and compared the number of the awards in three levels to find out the difference. Then, the paper summed up different provinces and higher institutions’measures and experience in improving’the quality project’to find out the problems and put forward some measures and suggestion. This paper utilized methods of documentary analysis, data collection, averaging and comparative analysis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期