

Application Research of QoS in Multi-Service IP Bearer Nwetworks

【作者】 张辉

【导师】 王海艳;

【作者基本信息】 南京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,建设统一的多业务IP承载网,取代已往多种业务、多种体制的电信网络,从而实现统一承载、统一运营、统一管理、统一维护,以便降低运营成本,提高业务部署的灵活性和盈利能力,已经成为运营商的共识。对于这样一张统一的多业务IP承载网来说,QoS(Quality of Service)是非常重要的基本要求。枣庄联通公司已建立一个多业务IP承载网(承载语音、数据业务和即将开通的IPTV视频业务),NGN业务已大量的使用。在NGN业务与互联网业务共用网络设备的情况下,实际上发现网络质量并不稳定,具体现象就是:平均性能较好,瞬态特性很差,语音质量较差。本论文通过对枣庄联通的多业务IP承载网存在的问题进行分析、探讨,对IP设备的各项数据进行详细的研究,经过多次试验和业务测试,从影响软交换承载网的几个重要指标:抖动问题、时延问题、丢包率、带宽问题进行具体分析、研究,分析互联网流量对NGN业务的冲击,解决了一直存在的语音通话不稳定的问题,建立了一个高品质QoS保证的多业务IP承载网,提高了网络质量和安全,最大发挥网络资源的利用率。通过枣庄联通已建设的多业务IP承载网在网运行证明,目前的IP承载网可以满足时延、抖动及误码率的要求。可以根据业务发展的需要,逐步推进QoS的部署,提高业务的服务质量和用户感知度,支撑更多的宽带差异化产品,满足用户的快速、稳定、可靠性、有效性、多样性、灵活性等高质量要求,更好的促进宽带业务的更好发展。

【Abstract】 Currently, the building of a unified multi-service IP bearer network, instead of previousvariety of services and telecommunications network systems, in order to achieve a unified bearing,unified operation, unified management, unified maintenance, to reduce operating costs and improvebusiness flexibility and deployment profitability has become the consensus of operators.For such aunified multi-service IP bearer network, QoS (Quality of Service) is a very important basicrequirements. Zaozhuang Unicom has built up a multi-service IP bearer network (carrying voice,data services and the upcoming opening of the IPTV video services).NGN business has a lot of useit. We found that if NGN services and Internet services use the common network equipment, infact, network quality is not stable, the specific phenomenon is: the average performance is better,transient poor, voice quality is poor.The paper by Zaozhuang Unicom IP bearer network of multi-service analysis of the problems,explore the data for IP devices to conduct a detailed study, after many trials and operational testing,softswitch bearer network from the impact of several important index:jitter, latency, packet loss rate,bandwidth issues specific analysis, research, analysis of Internet traffic on the impact of NGNservices solve the persistent problem of instability of voice calls, set up a high quality to guaranteeQoS multi-service IP bearer network,improve network quality and safety, maximize utilization ofnetwork resources.Zaozhuang Unicom built by multi-service IP bearer network in network operation proves thatthe current IP bearer network have the ability to meet the latency, jitter and bit error raterequirements. According to business development, step by step deployment of QoS, improvebusiness service quality and user perceptions, support more broadband differentiated products tomeet the user’s speed, stability, reliability, availability, diversity, flexibility and other qualityrequirements, better and better promote the development of broadband services.

【关键词】 拥塞流量策略软交换承载网
【Key words】 CongestionFlowStrategySoft SwitchingBearer Network
  • 【分类号】TN915.09
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】93