

Epidemiology and Integrated Control of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease in Wenzhou

【作者】 许方程

【导师】 刘树生; 郑永利;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 种植, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 双生病毒是植物病毒中一类具有孪生颗粒形态的植物单链DNA病毒,在自然条件下全部由烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)传播,因此称粉虱传双生病毒(Whitefly-tansmitted geminiviruses, WTG)。近年来,随着B型烟粉虱全面入侵和日趋严重,2006年秋冬季温州地区各大设施蔬菜生产基地番茄黄化曲叶病毒病暴发流行,发生面积约达300公顷,经济损失达1000万元,广大农民损失惨重。由于番茄双生病毒病是目前国内发生的新病害,因此生产上急需解决以下三个技术问题:①粉虱传双生病毒病诊断技术;②掌握该病害流行规律,进行有效地监测;③组建一套有效的综合防治技术以指导生产本研究得到浙江省、温州市农业科技重大项目资助(编号:2007C12054与N20070021)。通过病毒PCR分子鉴定、室内传毒试验、田间病情发生调查和大田防效示范推广等试验,在3年内主要取得以下研究结果:(1)、结合病害症状和分子检测,鉴定并明确了温州地区番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的病原是台湾番茄曲叶病毒(ToLCTWV),并建立了一套诊断技术。(2)、掌握了番茄黄化曲叶病毒病侵染循环规律,进而确定适当推迟播种期可以减轻病害发生。(3)、研究明确了传毒媒介B型烟粉虱传播台湾番茄曲叶病毒(ToLCTWV)的能力,确定了介体虫口密度、苗龄及温度对传毒效率的影响。(4)、监测了温州地区烟粉虱的发生动态,明确了苗期烟粉虱的虫口防治指标,并建立了发病的预测模型。(5)、构建了“清洁苗床(铲除中间寄主植物)、防虫网覆盖隔离、黄板预警诱杀、苗期喷施低毒高效农药”相结合的综合防治技术,防治效果达95%以上,有效地解决了番茄黄化曲叶病毒病防治难题。3年来,本研究成果在温州地区各大蔬菜基地推广应用,面积达5400公顷,平均每季减少农药使用2-3次,减少农药使用量40%以上,节省防治成本492.48万元,挽回产量损失7.83万吨,增收节支达1.45亿元,社会、经济、生态效益显著。

【Abstract】 Geminiviruses are plant viruses characterized by their unique twinned particles, which encapsidate a circular single-stranded DNA genome. Under natural conditions, all of them are spreaded by the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), and they are called whitefly-tansmitted geminiviruses (WTG). With serious invasion of the whitefly (B whitefly) in recent years, an epidemic outbreak of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) disease in greenhouses took place in Wenzhou areas over 350 ha in 2006, which caused an economic loss of over 10 million yuan (RMB). As a brand-new disease for domestic emergence, it is urgently needed to following technical issures be figured out for agricultural production:(1) diagnostic techniques on Whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses; (2) understanding on prevalent regularity of the disease with effective monitoring; (3) preventive and controlling guidance on production by comprehensive techniques.This study was supported by Major Fundings of Agricultural Science and Technology in both Wenzhou and Zhejiang (No.2007C12054 and N20070021, respectively). Molecular identification of virus polymerase chain reaction (PCR), lab experiments on transmission of viruses, investigation in fields, and demonstrative expansion on controlling effects in fields. were all studied in the past three years. The results showed that:(1) the plant disease pathogen is Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus (ToLCTWV) in Wenzhou, and a set of diagnostic techniques through symptoms and molecular identification were established, (2) the cycling rules of invasion and infection of ToLCTWV is comprehensible, which figured out that appropriate delay in the host seedtime may helpful for alleviate damage. (3) the spreading ability of ToLCTWV by B. tabaci (B whitefly) was clarified, and. influences on efficiency of virus transmission were clear on whitefly population density, host seedling age. and temperature. (4) population dynamics of B. tabaci in Wenzhou were monitored, as control index was set up during seedling age, with establishment of model on population forecast. (5) integrated control, such as seedbed cleaning (eradicating the intermediate host plants), isolation by insect-proof masks, yellow board traps, and spraying low-toxic pesticide during seedling, were all used against viruses effectively. The controlling effect appeared to be over 95%.In the last three years, the proposed integrated control technology was extensively used in Wenzhou. The total area of farms using this technology was about 5400 ha, reducing the usage of pesticide about 2-3 times quarterly, and reducing the pesticide dose by 40%. The control costs were saved about 4.9 million yuan. Besides, the loss of tomato yield was reduced by 7.8300 tons, increasing earnings of 145 million yuan. The results indicated that the social, economic and ecological benefits of the technology were significant.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】S436.412.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】194
  • 攻读期成果