

Analyses of Current Situation and Economic Benefits of White Button Mushroom (Agaricus Bisporus) Industry in Fuding City

【作者】 朱坤港

【导师】 赖钟雄; 陈先剑;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 福鼎市是福建省乃至全国重要的白色双孢蘑菇生产基地。种植白色双孢蘑菇已成为福鼎市广大农村居民实现脱贫致富奔小康的重要手段,在福鼎市农业产业发展中居于十分重要位置。本文运用实地调查、数据处理、数据归纳等研究方法,首先对白色双孢蘑菇、边际报酬递减规律、回归分析法等进行概念界定;其次从白色双孢蘑菇发展简史、栽培技术、加工、病虫害防治等方面介绍了白色双孢蘑菇的基本概况,从发展历史、发展现状、基本做法等方面论述了福鼎市白色双孢蘑菇的发展现状与历史,从生态、区位、技术、人才、市场、品牌等方面论述了福鼎市白色双孢蘑菇的发展优势,从蘑菇品种结构单一等七个方面论述了福鼎市白色双孢蘑菇产业发展的制约因素。同时,以福鼎市白色双孢蘑菇产业发展最为完善和成熟的前岐镇为例,运用边际报酬递减规律和回归分析法建立数据模型对福鼎市白色双孢蘑菇产销调查数据进行经济效益分析,阐明种植规模与经济效益的关系。最后,提出了树立支柱产业意识等十条加快福鼎市白色双孢蘑菇产业发展的对策。

【Abstract】 Fuding City is an essential white button mushroom(Agaricus bisporus) production base in Fujian province even in China. Planting white button mushroom has been becoming the important measure for peasants of Fuding City to get out of poverty, and it plays significant role in agriculture industry development of Fuding City. This paper exploited research methods such as field survey, data process and induction to carry out research in following steps. Firstly this paper defined multiple conceptions such as white button mushroom, the law of diminishing marginal returns and regression analysis; secondly this paper introduced the general information of white button mushroom from multiple aspects such as history, planting and processing technology, pest control, etc.; and then the planting history, current situation and basic processing technology were discussed. This paper argued the advantage of developing white button mushroom by Fuding from ecology, location, technology, human resource and brand. Senven restriction factors such as the scarcity of cultivars were also discussed. Meanwhile, illustrating by Qianqi Town especially which was the most perfect town in developing white button mushroom industry of Fuding City, the law of diminishing marginal returns and regression analysis were utilized to build data model upon production and sales data to analyze its economy benefits, and the relationship of planting scale and economy benefits was also clarified. Finally, ten s countermeasures to speed up the development of white button mushroom in Fuding City were proposed.

  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【下载频次】119