

Study of SGS ROHS Test Differentiated Marketing

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 费鸿萍;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文的研究背景是中国第三方检测行业发展时间短,但第三方检测市场随着中国经济的发展而迅速增长。随着中国进入WTO,第三方检测市场完全开放,市场的竞争也日趋激烈。可是众多第三方检测机构的市场观念相对滞后,在企业竞争中,如何进行精准的市场细分,市场定位,对客户进行差异化营销已经成为第三方检测公司提升核心竞争力的重要手段。目前尚缺少对第三方检测机构市场营销方向的论文研究。基于此背景,本文以SGS公司为例,主要研究ROHS检测业务的差异化营销策略。本文首先介绍第三方检测机构概况,随后阐述ROHS检测业务在中国的发展并分析ROHS检测业务的行业特点。通过波特五力模型和SWOT工具对SGS公司的竞争环境和优势,劣势进行分析,得出初步的解决方向。再根据STP目标市场理论,对SGS公司进行市场细分,确定目标市场,市场定位。通过问卷调查,得出目标客户对ROHS检测业务关注因素的差异点。根据对客户需求差异点的市场调研数据,对目标市场的4类客户(欧美独资/合资企业、日本独资/合资企业、中国国有/民营企业和其他地区(拉美/亚洲其他地区)分别提出差异化营销策略。本文尝试将差异化市场营销理论引入ROHS检测市场的实际营销中,以上海SGS公司作为研究对象。希望本文的研究能为ROHS检测业务的市场营销问题提供参考,也为第三方检测行业的市场营销提供案例参考。

【Abstract】 The third party testing service in China has only 20 years history and most of the companies have no marketing concept in their business operation. But after China became the member of WTO, more and more the third party testing companies come to China and the market competition has become very fierce. How to seize the biggest market share and how to keep the leader role in the testing market, some essential points are market segmentation, market positioning and differentiated marketing.This essay has introduced the differentiated marketing concept to the third party testing market. It takes Shanghai SGS as a study case which using Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model, SWOT analysis, STP market segmentation.At first, I give a general review of China ROHS testing service, and then analysis the special characters for ROHS testing service. Then the case study for ShangHai SGS, using Porter’s 5 forces model to analysis SGS’s microcosmic competition environment, using SWOT model to analysis SGS’s strength, weakness, opportunity and threaten, using STP market segmentation to analysis the customer market and then try to apply the differentiated marketing into SGS ROHS testing market strategy.According to marketing research data of customer’s different demands, suggest differentiated marketing strategy for 4 types segamentation market, EU&Amercian companies、Japaniese companies、Chinese Companies and other area’s companies.

  • 【分类号】F274;F203
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】408