

Remediation of Eutrophic Water by Blast Furnace Slag Capping Method

【作者】 杨洁扬

【导师】 黄光团;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 水体富营养化已成为世界范围内水体治理的重大问题。底泥作为水体生态系统的重要组成部分,在水体富营养化的过程中,扮演着“汇”与“源”的角色。在外源污染得到控制的条件下,底泥污染物的释放对水体的改善有着不容忽视的影响。因此,通过控制底泥污染实现对富营养化水体修复的方法得到了越来越多的关注。本文通过密闭振荡试验和覆盖模拟试验对高炉矿渣覆盖法对富营养化水体的修复进行了研究。高炉矿渣对磷酸盐具有良好的吸附性能,且随粒径的减小,吸附性能越好。在振荡液初始浓度为2mg/L(以P计)、恒定25℃条件下,60、80、100、200目高炉矿渣对振荡液中磷酸盐的去除率分别为:12.2%、59.3%、96.5%和99.9%,其中200目高炉矿渣对磷酸盐的去除率为60目的近10倍。高炉矿渣对磷的吸附过程可由拟二级反应动力学方程和Langmuir等温方程很好地描述,颗粒内扩散过程是高炉矿渣对磷吸附过程的控制步骤。高炉矿渣对磷的吸附是一个焓驱动的、放热的自发过程。高炉矿渣对NH3-N的吸附性能在投加量为10g的条件下,随粒径的减小而变差。在试验条件下,60目组对NH3-N的去除率是200目组的11.1倍。酸浸渍+高温焙烧+盐浸渍的改性方法可以使高炉矿渣对NH3-N的去除率提高3.0倍,但却使其对磷酸盐的去除率锐减了90.3%;高温焙烧+水热反应的改性方法使高炉矿渣对NH3-N的去除率略有提高,约为改性前的1.5倍,但使其对磷酸盐的去除率降低了49.9%。高炉矿渣覆盖层在不同温度、不同溶解氧条件下,均可以有效地控制底泥磷酸盐的释放,使上覆水TP浓度保持在0.07mg/L左右,达到Ⅱ类地表水标准。水体曝气与高炉矿渣覆盖相结合,可以有效地降低上覆水中TP、COD和NH3-N的浓度。若采用好氧厌氧交替运行的方式,则可以在不影响覆盖层对底泥磷酸盐释放的控制效果的条件下,以有机物的短期释放为代价,在一定程度上实现对水体中氮污染物的有效去除。

【Abstract】 At present, the eutrophication of water has become an important issue of water body remediation. The sediment of water body, as an important component of the water ecosystem, plays the role of "sink" and "source" during the process of water europhication. Although the external pollution sources have been controlled to a great extent, the impact of the pollutant releasing from the sediment is still an issue. Therefore, the method of controlling the sediment pollution to achieve the remediation of eutrophic water has acquired great concern in recent years. The remediation of eutophic water by blast furnace slag (BFS) capping method through sealing oscillation test and capping simulation experiment was investigated. The adsorption performance for phosphorus with BFS was evident, and it became more powerful with smaller grain size. When the initial concentration of phosphorus was 2mg/L and the temperature was 25℃constantly, the phosphorus removal rate with 60,80,100,200 mesh BFS were 12.2%,59.3%,96.5% and 99.9% separately. And the removal rate with 200 mesh BFS was about ten times as that with 60 mesh BFS. The phosphorus adsorption process of BFS was simulated well by pseudo-second-order reaction kinetics equation and Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation, and the process of intra-particle diffusion was the control step.The phosphorus adsorption of BFS was an enthalpy-driven, exothermic spontaneous process.The adsorption property of NH3-N became better with increasing the grain size of BFS when the dosage of the absorbent was10g. Under experimental condition, the NH3-N removal rate with 60 mesh BFS was 11.1 times as that with 200 mesh BFS. The modification method, acid dip+high temperature calcination+salt dip, could double the NH3-N removal rate with BFS, but decrease the phosphorus removal rate by 90.3%. The modification method of high temperature calcination+ hydrothermal reaction could increase the NH3-N removal rate to 150%, but decrease the phosphorus removal rate by 49.9%.The BFS covering layer prevented the phosphorus releasing from sediment effectively under the variation of temperature and dissolved oxygen of the water, the TP concentration in the overlying water was keep at 0.07mg/L, meeting the surface water quality standards for GradeⅡ. When aeration was combined with BFS capping in the remediation of eutrophica water, the concentration of TP, COD and NH3-N in the overlying water were all decreased obviously. Taking the method of alternating operation of aerobic and anaerobic condition, it could remove nitrogen pollutants to a certain extent at the expense of short-term organic matters releasing, while the effect of the BFS covering layer on the phosphorus releasing was stable.

  • 【分类号】X524
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