

Communicative Action Research in the Chinese We Media Age

【作者】 王亚芸

【导师】 曹锦清;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 社会学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着中国网络技术从Web1.0时代步入Web2.0时代,中国网络社会也掀起了一股以公民的交互性为代表的自媒体网络应用的流行风潮,开启了普通大众主导信息传播的时代。从早期的Email、BBS、ICQ到BIOG、SNS,再到2006年兴起且影响力迅速蔓延开的的MicroBlog(微博),因为自媒体表达门槛低、即时互动性强等因素使得中国网民言论之活跃已达前所未有的程度。互动式的网络评论以其快捷、尖锐的特点,已显示了其不可忽视的力量,众多普通民众及弱势群体找到了表达意见的空间,多元思维和多元文化获得了生存场所,哈贝马斯乌托邦式的理想貌似见到了胜利的曙光。本文首先通过对交往行动进行理论梳理,以深入了解把握其形成发展过程及实现途径,随后使用文献分析法对我国自媒体下交往行动的模式、特征、社会效应做出一个清晰的理论梳理,并融入以微博热点议题“7·23动车事件”为中心进行的文本分析。通过研究表明,自媒体的出现确实为交往行动提供了技术支撑,并形成交往行动“双向构建”的新模式,但交往行动仍然存在着系列路径阻碍;交往行动的发展,虽然加快了突发事件的应对速度、开启了大众传媒时代、促进了信息的横向传播,但也并生了谣言肆虐等负面影响,只有网络各主体通力合作,充分利用交往行动发展优势、规避劣势,才能将觉醒的公民意识置于一个健康、有序的氛围,和谐发展。

【Abstract】 AS China’s network technology enter the Web2.0 Age from the Web1.0 Age, China’s network society set off a upsurge of using We Media, opened an age in which general public lead information transmission. From the early Email, BBS, ICQ to BIOG, SNS, and then to the rapid rising MicroBlog,2006,the low threshold of self-expression in the We Media Age, real-time interactive and other factors make the remarks of Chinese Internet users activity has reached unprecedented level. Network’features like fast, sharp, has shown its force that cannot be ignored. Many people and vulnerable groups find the space to express their views and multicultural thinkings, Habermas Utopian ideal seems ushered the dawn of victory.This paper based on the communicative action theory, to gain insight into the process of its’forming, developing and implementation way. Then use the research method of literature analysis on the mode, character, social effects about China’s We Media communication clearly, and integrate a micro-blog hot topics" 7·23 bullet train wreck " as the center of text analysis. My research shows that China’s We Media’emergence indeed provide technical support for Communicative Action and formed a new model which I call "two-way construct", but there are still a series of " Path block"; The development of Communicative Action, although accelerated the speed of dealing the emergency, opened the era of public communication, promote the horizontal propagation of information, but also produced some negative effects such as the diffused Rumors. Only through every subject’fully cooperate, make full use of the advantages and avoid disadvantages, can make sure that the awaken civil consciousness are in a healthy and orderly atmosphere.

【关键词】 交往行动自媒体微博
【Key words】 Communicative ActionWe MediaMicroBlog
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】652