

Qualitative Analysis of Organizational Leadership Pyramid Schemes

【作者】 叶勇

【导师】 吴仁碧;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来传销活动愈演愈烈,由于其涉及人员众多,社会影响面大,严重扰乱了正常的经济秩序,影响了社会稳定。针对上述情况,2009年2月28日全国人大常委会通过了《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(七)》(以下简称修正案七)增设了组织、领导传销活动罪,该罪名的确定使传销这种危害社会的犯罪形式首次以单独的罪名纳入刑法规制。作为新增设不久的罪名,不管在理论上还是实践中均发生了许多争议,笔者在前人研究基础上,针对一起传销案引发的争议进行了研究。本文结合案例,分析组织、领导传销罪的具体含义,入罪人员范围的限定问题,本罪情节严重标准等,以求通过对这一案例的分析对组织、领导传销罪的理论研究和实务应用提供一点有益的参考。本文主体内容分为四个部分:一、介绍案由及相关案情。被告人顾志聪、刘静凯、刘银天、周文娟非法传销案。二、归纳了案件争议观点及争议的焦点。本案争议的焦点为:一、本案四个被告人是否均构成犯罪;二、本案适用法律问题,是适用1997刑法定非法经营罪还是适用修正案七定组织领导传销罪。三、案件争议焦点的法理分析。此部分是本文的核心内容。主要分析组织、领导传销罪与一般违法行为的界定;组织、领导行为的认定;组织、领导者范围的认定;对发生在修正案七生效前修正案生效后才审判的案件如何适用刑法;本罪与非法经营罪的刑罚轻重比较;本罪情节严重的认定;在每个争议焦点论述后提出了作者对本案争议焦点的观点。四、研究结论。通过对案例和相关法理的具体分析得出被告人顾志聪、刘静凯行为构成组织、领导传销罪;被告人刘银天、周文娟行为不构成犯罪;通过对组织、领导传销罪情节的分析得出被告人顾志聪、刘静凯的行为没有达到情节严重标准,最终应以组织、领导传销罪定处。

【Abstract】 MLM activities intensified in recent years, due to its large number of personnel involved, the social dimension, seriously disrupting the normal economic order, affecting the social stability. For the above, February 28, 2009 the NPC Standing Committee passed the "Criminal Law Amendment (g)" added the organization, leading the crime pyramid schemes, pyramid schemes of the charges to determine the form that endanger society, the first times to separate the charges into the criminal law system. Soon as a new additional charges, whether in theory or practice have occurred in many disputes, the author based on previous studies, the case for the dispute with the pyramid schemes were studied.In this paper, cases, analysis of the organization, leading the specific meaning of the crime pyramid schemes, into the problem of crime officers limit the scope of this standard and other serious crime, in order for this case by the analysis of the organization, the crime of leading MLM research and practical application of theory provide a useful reference point. This paper is divided into four main parts:The first section describes the cause of the case and some details about it. Defendant Guzhi Cong, Liu Jingkai, Liu silver days, Zhou Wenjuan illegal pyramid scheme case.The second section summarizes the controversial opinion and controversial focus of the case. In this case, the controversy focuses on four aspects.The focus of dispute in this case are: First, whether the case constitutes a crime, four defendants; Second, the case law applicable, given the Criminal Code 1997 is applicable to the crime of illegal business operations or apply to the Criminal Code Amendment (g) direct sales organization and leadership set the crime.The third section analyzes the controversial focus of the case from the perspective of legal theory.This section is the core of this article. Main analysis of the organization, leadership and general crime of illegal pyramid schemes defined; organization, leadership behaviors identified; organization, identify the scope of the leader; of the amendment in the Criminal Code came into force seven pyramid schemes amendment seven cases to trial after the commencement application of criminal law; the crime and the severity of the penalty for the crime of illegal business more; the identification of serious crime; the focus of discussion in every controversy of the case after the controversy raised by the focus point of view.The last section is the research conclusion.Through specific cases and relevant legal analysis of the defendant Gu Zhicong come, Liu Jingkai constitutes organizing and leading the crime pyramid; accused Liu silver days, Zhou Wenjuan conduct did not constitute a crime; by organizing and leading MLM crime plot analysis derived defendant Gu Zhicong , Liu Jingkai behavior did not meet serious criteria, in accordance with section 224 of the Criminal Code provisions should ultimately be to organize, set at the crime of leading MLM.

  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】137