

The Research of Microfinance Company Development in China

【作者】 肖园园

【导师】 范立夫;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 金融学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着小额信贷在国际范围内的蓬勃发展,我国政府也越来越重视小额信贷的扶贫作用。在2004、2005、2006连续三年的中央一号文件中政府已经先后提出“要从农村实际和农民需要出发,按照有利于增加农户和企业贷款,有利于改善农村金融服务的要求,加快改革和创新农村金融体制”,“鼓励在县域内设立多种所有制的社区金融机构,允许私有资本、外资等参股。大力培育由自然人、企业法人或社会团体法人发起的小额贷款组织,有关部门要抓紧制定管理办法。引导农户发展资金互助组织,规范民间借贷”。小额贷款公司是我国金融体制不断改革和创新的结果,也是我国基本国情的需要。小额贷款公司的出现为我国中小企业和“三农”的发展提供了更多的金融服务和发展机遇。随着我国各地区小额贷款公司的陆续成立,小额贷款公司在一定程度上解决了农村地区和中小企业融资难的问题。自2008年下半年开始试点以来,在社会各界的大力支持和积极参与下,大连市小额贷款公司试点工作进展顺利,在广阔市场需求前景下呈蓬勃发展态势,已取得了显著成效。无论是贷款总量还是小额贷款公司数量,大连市小额贷款公司的发展都居于全国领先地位,但同时其可持续发展也面临着许多制约性因素。目前小额贷款公司的发展主要存在以下几个问题:第一,小额贷款公司监管法律欠缺,监管主体缺失;第二,政府对小额贷款公司政策和制度上的扶持力度不够;第三,小额贷款公司资金来源有限,融资渠道较窄;第四,人员素质低,人才匮乏;第五,担保形式主要是非信用担保,信用担保比例较低:第六,风险控制能力差,没有有效的风险管理机制。探寻问题所在与解决之策,对于实现大连市乃至全国小额贷款公司的可持续发展,有效发挥小额贷款公司的作用具有重要的现实意义。本文针对以上几个问题,借鉴国外成功的两大小额信贷经营模式-----福利主义的小额信贷模式和制度主义的小额信贷模式,提出我国小额贷款公司可持续发展的五点建议。主要包括:第一,完善小额贷款公司的外部环境,明确法律地位和监管主体;第二,加强政府支持力度,防止小额贷款公司转变为高利贷组织;第三,拓宽融资渠道,提高小额贷款公司的融资比例;第四,招聘高学历人员,提高工作人员素质:第五,建立有效的风险预警机制,提高机构的风险控制能力。这些建议的提出对于解决小额贷款公司发展问题具有参考价值与借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Our government has paid more and more attention to the role of poverty of microfinance with its vigorously development in the word. In the central first files of 2004.2005 and 2006 the successive three years, the government has raise "make the necessity of the country and the needs of the masses our starting point, by being benefit to increase the loans of farms and cooperators and being benefit to improve financial services in rural areas, accelerate reforming and creating of the financial system in rural areas"、"Encourage setting community financial institution with diversified forms of ownership, private and foreign capital and so on are permitted to hold stocks. Cultivate the microfinance organizations generated by natural man, businesses or public accountants, the departments concerned should quickly formulate the management method. Guide the organizations of farmer development mutual fund, standardized the traditional private lending". The microfinance cooperators are the result of reforming and creating of our financial systems, they are also the result of the needs of the fundamental realities of our country. The appearance of the microfinance cooperators provided more financial service and development chance for the development of our small and medium business and agriculture, rural areas and farmers. With the setting up of the microfinance cooperators in areas of our country, they solved the financing difficulties and loan difficulties for the medium, small cooperators and rural areas to a certain degree.The microfinance cooperators in Dalian has made experiments since the second half year of 2008, with the support and active participant of the society people from all walks of life, they all go forward well, moreover, they grow vigorously in the amplitude market and have obtained marked effect. The development of the microfinance cooperators in Dalian takes the lead in our country both in the loan summation and the number of the microfinance cooperators, however, there is also many restricting factors for its sustainable development. There exist the following problems for the development of the microfinance cooperators:Firstly, lack of the supervision law and subject of supervision of the microfinance cooperators; Secondly, lack of policy and systems support from the government for the microfinance cooperators; Thirdly, for the microfinance cooperators, the fund resources are limited and the financing channel is narrow; Fourthly, lowness of quality of personnel, backward in technique and weak ability to innovate; Fifthly, the assets as security are mostly real estate, the range is narrow; Sixth, the risk control is weak and lack of efficient risk management system.To find and then solve the problems are of realistic importance to the sustainable development and playing effective roles for the microfinance cooperators in Dalian even in our country. This paper propose five suggestions for the sustainable development of our microfinance cooperators, we draw lessons from the successive two overseas business model, that is, Welfare of the micro-credit model and Institutionalism of micro-credit model. Include:firstly, improve surroundings of the microfinance cooperators, clarify the legal status and subjects of supervision; Secondly, increase the government support intensity, Prevent the microfinance cooperators turning into the usurious loan organizations; Thirdly, broad the financing channel and improve the financing ratio of the microfinance cooperators; Fourthly, raise the quality of the personnel; Fifthly, construct effective risk management system and improve the ability of risk control.We study the development problems of the microfinance cooperators, and raise some relative suggestions which provide something referential value for the sustainable development of the microfinance cooperators and also has some theoretical and practical importance.

  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】1
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