

Research of Development Strategy of Small and Medium Garment Enterprises

【作者】 顾冬英

【导师】 李宏林;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 我国服装产业主要是由中小服装企业构成,且大部分的中小服装企业都是从事OEM生产发展起来的,这些中小服装企业主要的利润来源就是加工费。当前国际国内环境都发生了巨大的变化,劳动力成本不断上升,人民币持续升值,各国贸易保护主义一再加强。在这样严峻的形势下,许多中小服装企业遭遇到了前所未有的生存危机,极有可能会被淘汰出局。面临如此恶劣的形势,中小服装企业必须要有一个明确的发展目标和一整套完整的符合企业生存和发展的战略方案来指导企业今后的发展。战略方案的制定要在对企业的要素禀赋情况和企业所处的环境进行深入的了解和分析后才能进行,只有对企业进行了充分的了解后,制定出来的战略方案才是可行的,才能真正起到为企业的发展指引方向的作用。本文主要采用了案例研究的方法,选取了广州H服装公司作为案例进行研究,在对该企业进行具体的了解的基础上,综合运用了管理学、战略管理学、国际贸易学等学科的相关理论对该企业所处的环境进行了具体的分析,试图通过本文的分析为广州H服装公司找到未来的发展战略方案,也为其他中小服装企业未来的发展战略提供可供借鉴的战略方案。本文在对广州H服装公司的基本情况及企业经营的“牛头牌”服饰进行介绍后,把该公司作为案例进行具体的分析。先是对该公司的要素禀赋情况和发展战略的变化过程进行了描述和分析,后面是对H服装公司所处的环境进行进一步的分析。对H服装公司的环境分析文中综合运用了多种理论和工具。运用PEST分析对企业的宏观环境进行分析,对企业的政治法律环境、经济环境、社会文化环境和技术环境分别进行了详细的分析。用产业生命周期理论、微笑曲线理论、五种竞争力量模型来对H服装公司所处的产业环境进行了综合的分析,产业生命周期理论的分析作出了我国服装产业处于成熟期的判断,微笑曲线理论是用来分析中小服装企业未来的发展趋势的,五种竞争力量模型对产业竞争状况进行了分析。分析了H服装公司内部存在的优势和劣势,最后采用SWOT分析法对企业内部存在的优势和劣势及外部可能机会与威胁进行了总结。最后以上分析的基础上,针对广州H服装公司未来的成长战略提出了一个战略构想和战略实施建议,最终得出了本文的结论。论文的主要的创新点包括两个方面:(1)研究角度的创新。要素禀赋理论一般是用来分析国家与国家之间的贸易关系,或者用来指导政府实施对外贸易政策的。本论文运用要素禀赋理论从微观的层面上来探讨中小服装企业的发展战略,结合企业的要素禀赋情况与企业所处环境的特点对企业的战略方案进行分析。(2)战略构想和战略实施建议的创新。在对要素禀赋情况、企业的外部环境、产业环境发展趋势与企业内部环境进行充分的分析的基础上,对广州H服装公司未来的发展战略大胆地提出了自己的构想和战略实施建议。论文的不足之处主要有三个方面:(1)本论文选取了广州H服装公司作为案例,在对企业各种资料的获取和处理上存在困难,因为资料的不全面和资料的处理不当,使得论文的分析不够深入和彻底。(2)本论文采用的是单一案例研究的方法,虽然单一案例研究能对企业进行更为深入的研究,但是本文的研究结论的可推广性难免要打上折扣。(3)论文在对广州H服装公司进行分析时,采取多种分析方法,要将这些分析方法很好的融合在一起并不容易。还会因为作者经验的不足和知识的局限,使得文中对H服装公司的分析不够全面。通过本文的分析,可以帮助广州H服装公司清晰的认识自身的要素禀赋情况与企业发展战略之间的联系,将企业的要素禀赋情况与企业所处的环境特征结合起来,制定出一套更符合企业发展的战略方案。希望本文的研究不仅是对广州H服装公司具有直接参考的意义,对其他许许多多与广州H服装公司有着相同或相似情况的中小服装企业也有着间接的借鉴作用或启发作用。

【Abstract】 China’s garment industry is mainly constituted by a number of small and medium garment enterprises, and most of the small garment enterprises were doing OEM production in the beginning, the source of profit of these small garment enterprises was processing fees. To current international and domestic environment has undergone tremendous changes, rising labor costs, RMB appreciation, many countries have repeatedly strengthened trade protectionism.In such a grim situation, many medium and small garment enterprises encountered unprecedented crisis of survival, is likely to be eliminated.Faced with such adverse situation, small garment enterprises must have a clear development objective and a complete set of enterprise survival and development in line with the strategic plan to guide future development of enterprises. Strategic plan formulated is must after the depth understanding of the enterprise macro-environment and industry environment, Internal environment and development tendency, Only after in understanding these enterprises situation, the strategic option of the enterprise is feasible, before they can really played the role in the direction of development guidelines for enterprises.In the process of enterprise development.This thesis mainly adopted case studies method,and selected Guangzhou H garment enterprises as a case study, in basis of comprehensive understanding of this garment enterprise, on the integrated use of management, strategic management, industrial economics and other disciplines related to the theory of the enterprises in a specific analysis, this analysis attempts to find a strategic plan for Guangzhou H garment enterprises for future development, but also for the future development strategy of the majority of small garment enterprises provides a strategic plan for reference.This thesis introduced the basic conditions of guangzhou H garment enterprise and the operation of "Newto" garments, then put the enterprise as a case specific analysis. After described and analyzed the factor endowment of the enterprise and the growth strategy of the change process, This thesis further analyzed of H garment enterprise’s environment, including analysis of the macroeconomic environment, industry environmental analysis and internal analysis. The thesis analyzed H garment enterprise’s environment with comprehensive use of the theories and tools. First of all,used PEST analysis to analyze the macro environment, respectively the political and legal environment, economic environmental, social and cultural environment and technological environment. And used the industry life cycle theory, smile curve theory and the five competitive forces model to analyze H garment industry environment, the analysis of industry life cycle theory judged China’s garment industry was in mature stage, smiling curve theory is used to analyze the future development trends of small garment enterprises, the five competitive forces model analyzed industry competition conditions. The analysis of H garment enterprise’s the internal environment was used SWOT analysis, have carried out specific analysis the existence of internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. Finally.based on these analysis, put forward a strategic idea of Guangzhou H garment enterprise future growth strategy, and under the strategic idea got revelation of the other small garment enterprises, and ultimately came to the conclusion.The key innovation points of the thesis included two aspects:(1) The innovation of research perspective. Factor endowment theory is generally used to analyze trade relations between countries, or used to guide the government to implement foreign trade policy. In this thesis.used factor endowment theory to Investigate growth strategy of small garment enterprises from the micro level, then combined with the factor endowment of the enterprise and the characteristics of the enterprise environment to analyze the firm’s strategic plan. (2) The innovation of strategic idea. Based on a full analysis factor endowments, external environment, industry environmental trends and internal environment, boldly put forward a strategic idea of Guangzhou H garment enterprise future development strategy, and under the strategic idea got revelation of the other small garment enterprises.The inadequacies of the thesis there were three main areas:(1) This thesis selected Guangzhou H garment enterprise as a case study, it was difficult in a variety of enterprise information acquisition and processing, because of incomplete data and information handling improperly, made the thesis’s analysis was not deep enough and thorough. (2) This thesis used single case study approach, although single case study can have on enterprise for more in-depth research, but this study’s conclusions promoted must be have a discount. (3) The thesis in analysis of Guangzhou H garment enterprise took a variety of analytical methods, it is not easy to make these analytical methods well together. But also because the author lack of experience and the limitations of knowledge, made the analysis of H garment enterprise was not comprehensive enough.Through this analysis, can help Guangzhou H garment enterprise clear understood the factor endowment of the enterprise and the growth strategy of the change process, combined with the factor endowment of the enterprise and the characteristics of the enterprise environment to make a better strategic enterprise development program. Hope that this study is not only to Guangzhou H garment company has a direct reference significance, but also to many of the other small or medium garment enterprises that the same or similar situation with Guangzhou H garment enterprise had significance for indirect reference or revelation.

  • 【分类号】F426.86
  • 【被引频次】3
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