

【作者】 王红霞

【导师】 朱玉春;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着有机食品等有机产品逐步进入大众视线,人们开始更多的关注与期待一种新兴的农业发展模式——有机农业。因为人们坚信,有机农业会带来安全营养的食物或各类农产品,如不使用添加剂、农药、化肥等化学物质,不采用转基因技术,不使用核辐射技术等。有机农业更多考虑的是农业干预对农业生态系统的中期和长期影响,而不仅仅是其短期影响,这样既生产了粮食,也建立了生态平衡,也有助于解决病虫害、土壤肥力等问题。在最近几年的发展中,对我国产业结构调整、农民增收、环境保护等方面产生明显的效果,并成为极具潜力的优势产业。但目前由于诸多因素的制约,使得我国有机农业的发展与发达国家相比,尚存在较大的差距。本文以山东省青州市为例,回答了有机农业发展的机制体系,有机农业的途径模式及持续作用等等;通过研究青州市有机农业生产现状,发现生产中存在的问题和发掘生产潜力,对青州市有机农业生产实践将具有十分重要的现实意义。本文对青州市有机农业整体现状进行了分析,系统总结了青州市发展有机农业方面存在的自然优势、传统优势、地域优势、生态优势、人力资源优势、示范带动优势、政策优势等,发现了生产及经营体系中的技术、管理、体制、生产模式、销售策略等问题。然后重点对青州市有机农业发展的策略进行系统研究,研究发现加强组织领导,完善机制,增强全社会的有机意识是发展有机农业的基础前提;完善政策,搞好服务,是发展加快有机农业的重要途径;扩大规模,形成产业是带动提升有机农业发展整体水平重要因素;依靠科技进步,开发和推广有机食品生产新技术是提升有机农业品质的关键方面;确保质量,打响品牌,是发展有机农业的必经之路。在实证研究的基础上,我们得出以下结论:发展有机农业要统筹建立完善体制、政策、生产及销售模式等方面良性循环模式,健全法律法规和认证体系,充分发挥企业龙头和行业协会作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, along with organic food and other organic products’gradually entering public view, organic agriculture, as a newly rising agriculture development mode, starts to grab more attention and arose more expectation. People believe that, adhering such principles as not using transgenic technology, not using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and additives, and not using nuclear technology, will bring forth safe and nutritious food and other agricultural products. Organic agriculture considered agricultural intervention’s influence on the ecological system of agriculture in the long run, stick to grain production, and at the same time, establish ecological balance, so as to solve the problem of soil fertility and insect and disease problems. In recent years’development, the industrial structure adjustment, farmers’ income’s increasing and environmental protection are fruitful and yielding positive effects, and these sectors are becoming potential advantageous industry. But, due to the restriction of many factors, there’s still a big gap between the development of organic agriculture in our country and that of in other developed countries. This paper, taking Qingzhou city of Shandong province as an example, gave the answer for organic agriculture development mechanism, the mode of organic agriculture development and consequential effects, etc.Through the author’s research on the status quo of the organic agriculture production of Qingzhou, and hence find out the existing problems and explore its production potential, will have very important practical significance to the organic agricultural production of Qingzhou. This paper analysed the overall status quo of Qingzhou’s organic agriculture, and systematically summarized the natural advantage, traditional advantage, geographical advantage, ecological advantages, human resources advantage, sampling and radiation advantage, and policy advantage, etc, and discovered such problems as technology, management, institution and productions in the process of production and operation system. Then the author focused on the research on the strategy of Qingzhou’s organic agricultural development, and suggested that enhancing leadership, perfecting institution and strengthening overall organic awareness is the basic condition of developing organic agriculture; improving policy and perfecting service, are important methods of accelerating organic agriculture; expanding scale and forming complete industry are important factors of improving the overall standard of agricultural development; relying on technological advance and developing and popularizing latest organic food production technology are key factors of improving organic agriculture’s quality; ensuring quality and polishing brands are the only route that we must pass through.On the basis of empirical research, we draw the following conclusion: the development of organic agriculture, provide establish complete institutions, policies, mode of production and sales, and form a benign mode. Improve laws and regulations and certifications systems, fully play a leading role and indus try association.

  • 【分类号】F323.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】414