

The Theoretical Calculation and Reduction Solution Research on the Line Loss in the Township Power Supply Enterprises

【作者】 陈英杰

【导师】 张尧; 黄荣超;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 电气工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 线损是指电网运营企业在电能传输过程中所发生的全部电能损耗,其不仅直接影响着企业的经济效益,而且也在一定程度上说明了一个供电企业的管理水平,是供电企业管理的关键环节之一。通过降低线损,实现多供少损,既能提高供电企业收入,还有利于节能降耗。造成损耗的成因是多样的,而在不同区域内各种因素产生的损耗比重也不相同,消除各种因素的成本也相差甚远,甚至一些理论降损措施在实际工作中根本不适用。要确保整改措施行之有效,关键是准确的理论计算,它能有效地对各种因素引起的损耗进行定量分析,对各项整改措施进行效果预先评估,避免无效投资。但基于数据的处理能力和测量技术,目前的常用的理论线损软件多使用简化计算,准确度未能达到要求。本文将分析引起计算失准的原因,并提出改进措施,在原软件的基础上,通过调整输入数据,使理论线损计算的准确度达到要求,并以古井镇供电所实际系统参数和实际运行数据,验证改进措施对理论线损计算准确度的提高效果。本文还将以实际线损工作为实例,利用理论线损分析各种因素引起的损耗所占比重,提出针对性的降损措施,对比实施前后的数据,检验降损措施的可行性和降损效果,根据降损效果成本比,制定出比较常用的降损流程。这将对降低镇级供电企业的网络损耗和供电成本,提高供电企业的经营管理水平和经济效益具有重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Line loss refers to the total electric energy loss from the electric power transmissions in the power-supply enterprises operating in the power grid. It does not only relate to the economic benefits of a power-supply enterprise, but also is a key management factor that reflecting the level of the enterprise operation. To achieve more-supply-less-loss by taking the measures of reducing the line loss will save energy and increase the revenue of the power-supply enterprise. The causes of the line loss are diverse. So are the proportions of the component factors in the line loss in different regions. The cost of eliminating these factors can be rather different. Furthermore, some measures which should reduce line loss in theory are inapplicable in the practical situations. The key to effect the solution measures is the accuracy of the theoretical calculations. It will contribute to the quantitative analysis on the various factors that caused the line loss, the pre-evaluation on the effects of the measures and the investment decisions.However, the common-used softwares can only theoretically undertake the simplified calculations on the line loss, due to the basic ability of the data process and simple measure technology. The accuracy of this calculation can not meet the actual requirements. This paper will analyze the causes of inaccuracy and propose the improvement measures. Adjusting the input data appropriately while using the same software is to make the accuracy of the theoretical line loss calculation meet the requirements. The actual improvements on the accuracy will be examined according to the actual system parameters and operating data of Gujing Town Power Supply Station. Also, this paper will analyze the proportions of the component factors in the line loss and propose the improvement measures, subjected to the actual situations. The feasibility and effects of these measures will be examined by the comparison of the before-after data of the implementation. The procedures of reducing the line loss to be commonly used will be specially formulated upon the cost-effect ratio. It, significantly in theory and practice, will be able not only to reduce the line loss and the cost of power supply operations of the township power-supply enterprises, but also to improve the management level and the revenue of the power supply enterprises.

  • 【分类号】TM744
  • 【被引频次】1
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