

【作者】 陈伟

【导师】 周翠英;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 反义词是汉语词汇的一个重要的组成部分,研究反义词对汉语词汇研究具有重要的意义。古汉语专书反义词研究是汉语反义词研究的重要组成部分,也是汉语反义词研究的基础性工作,进行古汉语专书反义词研究,一方面可以为汉语反义词研究提供重要的语料,另一方面也可以为汉语反义词研究的理论建设做出贡献。《孙子兵法》成书于春秋末年,是一部阐述军事理论和战争规律的著作,其反义词的运用十分频繁,全书仅七千余字,却用了131对反义词,因此有很高的研究价值。本文试图在义位归纳统计的基础上,穷尽的归纳出《孙子兵法》的反义词,对它们进行多角度的描写和分析,总结其特点并提出一些意见,由此窥探古汉语反义词的一些特点,以及在现代汉语的一些发展演变,希望通过这样的尝试为古汉语反义词提供一些材料。本文共分为五章。第一章为引言。主要介绍了《孙子兵法》的语料价值,古汉语反义词的研究意义和研究现状,并确定本文反义词的判定原则和标准,即在同一性原则下,按照理性意义和语境意义进行判断,共得出131对反义词。第二章对《孙子兵法》的反义词进行分类,并对其存在方式进行描写。从词性和表达意义方面看,《孙子》中的反义词主要以动词为主,其次是名词和形容词,其中表示动作行为和性质状态的占了大多数;从逻辑关系方面看,表示互补关系、极性关系和反向关系的反义词数目大致相当。反义词的存在方式主要有五种,其中以反义对文形式出现的最多,并且对文中有的形式已经在现代汉语中凝固成固定的格式或者有能产性的对举格式,如“知己知彼”、“一A—B”等。第三章对《孙子兵法》反义词的意义对应关系和对构关系进行了描写分析。根据义位分析法、义素分析法以及多义词的理论我们把对应关系共分为五种:双边单项对立、双边多项对立、多边单项对立、多边各项对立以及多种情况的综合,并对其进行了理论阐述。对构关系主要有线型、辐型、环型、网型和树型五种。第四章主要阐述《孙子兵法》反义词的特点和作用。从自身方面看,《孙子》中的反义词数量多,以单音词为主,具有不平衡性;从历时方面看,《孙子》中的反义词既有在现代汉语中不变的,也有发生变化的。作用主要表现在语用修辞方面和构词方面。第五章是结论。将论文所探讨的主要内容进行了总结,说明论文的研究价值,并提出仍需进一步讨论的问题。

【Abstract】 As an important part of Chinese antonym, the antonyms in ancient book play as the foundation of the research. It is not only provides vital language materials, but also contributes to the structure of the theory. The great book, Sunzibingfa, written in the late years of the Spring and Autumn Period, is a masterpiece on military theories and laws of war. The antonyms in the book shares a high research value for its frequently appearance which takes 131 couples while the book only covers more than 7000 characters.Based on the Inductive Statistics of semanteme, the thesis concludes the antonyms in Sunzibingfa depicting and analyzing in a multiple aspects, summing up the characteristics and proposing some advices to probe the features and the evolvement of modern Chinese language, which hope to provide materials for the research of Chinese antonym.The thesis is composed of five chapters.Chapter One is the Introduction, which presents the material value of the Sunzibingfa the meaning of the antonyms of the ancient Chinese and the status quo in research, defining the principals and standards of the antonym that under the Identity Principle, there are 131 couples antonyms judging by the rational significance and context meaning.Chapter Two is the classifying the antonyms of Sunzibingfa and depicting the patterns of its existence. In the aspect of syntactical functions, morphological features and meaning, the verb takes the large share while the noun and adjective follow the second and third places which words on expressing the meaning on action and state domains the big part. In the logical relations, the antonyms of complementary relations, polarity relations, and reversion relations share the paper equally. There are five types of the existence of antonyms, in which the intertextuality antonym plays as the most important part. Some forms in the book are fixed into regular format or parallel productivity structure, for instance, zhijizhibi, yiAyiB, etc.According to the Inductive Statistics of Semanteme and Sememe, the theory of polysemous words, there are five types of corresponding relations, bilateral-uniterm correspondence,bilateral-multiterm correspondence, multilateral-uniterm correspondence, multilateral-terms correnpondence, and other corresponding types. For the five relations, the thesis explains the theory sources. The construction relations consists line type, beaming type, ring type, net type and tree type.Chapter Four states the characteristics and function of antonyms in Sunzibingfa In the text analysis, the antonyms in the book, in which the monosyllabic words shares a large part took the rational significance and identifying in the unbalancedness. In the aspect of Diachronism, the antonym in the book changes partly in the modern Chinese, which signifies in the pragmatics rhetoric and word-building.Chapter Five acts as the conclusion, in which concludes the main contents and arguments, explaining the research value of the thesis, and proposing the remained issues.

【关键词】 《孙子兵法》反义词特点
【Key words】 SunzibingfaAntonyma characteris
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期