

Research on Dynamic Supervison System of the Elevator in M Are

【作者】 魏大海

【导师】 吴爱华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 工业工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 电梯越来越与人们的生产生活息息相关,尤其是在用电梯。在用电梯保有量的持续增长与监管工作的迟缓发展之间的矛盾日益加剧。本论文以一个地区的在用电梯为研究对象,应用相关的管理理论对该地区在用电梯监管现状进行了分析,提出了有针对性、操作性的研究方案,优化设计了相关部门的业务流程,探讨了新技术的引入。作者对与电梯监管相关的管理理论、安全评价理论、数据库理论、物联网技术、专家系统技术等资料进行了收集、整理,确定了对本文适用的方案、流程。应用系统分析、流程优化等理论工具从监管职能、监管流程、监管方式三方面深入研究了M地区的电梯监管体系。作者发现现有监管体系存在着:(1)监管力量薄弱,人机矛盾突出;(2)应急救援体系缺口尚多,应急能力不足;(3)用户在监管系统中参与度小,社会公共监督没有有效渠道。究其原因是:(1)是公共安全意识重视不够,维修保养工作不到位;(2)统筹管理理念的缺位,管理手段的滞后;(3)监管方式方法的局限。本文以遵循系统设计方案原则以达到方案实施后的目标为目的,设计了M地区动态监管系统方案的总体架构。从教育培训、管理体制、技术发展、保障措施四方面规划了方案的实施内容和实施步骤。重点研究了电梯安全评价、应急救援、管理方法、维保市场等四个方面,并设计了相应的具体实施措施。为保证新方案的实施和取得预期效果,本论文又从流程优化、监管职能、生产商管理、监管技术等四个方面进一步研究了方案的保障措施。本论文对提高M地区的在用电梯监管效能和降低事故隐患发生有一定的促进作用,同时也是一种新的监管模式的探索、研究,对相同或相近类型的设备监管也有一定的参考和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 More and more people’s production and the life, especially in the elevator. With the elevator in the continuous growth of the linear and regulatory work delay contradiction between the aggravating. This paper an area as the research object, the application of the related management theory in the elevator to the region with regulatory analysis of the current situation, brings forward the corresponding schemes, operation, the optimization design related department of business process, discusses the introduction of new technologies.The author and the elevator regulation related management theory, the theory of safety evaluation, database theory, content networking technologies, expert system technology, data collection, arrangement, determined the applicable scheme for this article, and process. Application system analysis, and process optimization theory tools from regulatory functions, regulatory process, the way of supervision and deep research on three aspects of elevator supervision system in M. The authors find that the existing regulatory system there are:(1) the regulatory power is weak, the man-machine contradiction; (2) the emergency rescue system is much, emergency gap ability is insufficient; (3) the user in the supervision system of small, public participation in the supervision and no effective channels. Investigate its reason is:(1) is public safety consciousness, maintenance, and not enough attention work does not reach the designated position; (2) to plan as a whole the vacancy of the management concept, management means lag, the (3) the way of supervision and limitations of the method.This paper to follow the system designing principle in order to achieve the goal of after the implementation of the scheme for the purpose, design the dynamic supervision system solutions in M, the general framework. From education training, management system, technology development, and safeguard the four aspects of the planning scheme of the implementation of the content and implementation procedures. Focus on the elevator safety evaluation, emergency rescue and management methods, maintenance market and so on four aspects, and design the corresponding specific implementation measures.To guarantee the implementation of the new scheme and the obtained the desired results, this paper and from process optimization and regulatory functions, management and supervision technology manufacturer four aspects further study the scheme of the security measures.This paper improve the area with the elevator in M regulatory efficiency and reduce the hidden danger of accident happening has certain stimulative effect, also be a kind of new regulatory model of exploration, research, to the same or similar types of equipment supervision also have certain reference and reference

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期