

The Discuss about the Evidence’s Ability of the Probabilistic Comment of Judicial Appraiser

【作者】 朱妮娜

【导师】 崔立红;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 司法鉴定实践中,在鉴定人已经进行合理、尽力的工作情况下,仍无法将被鉴定问题肯定或否定到确定不移的程度,只能依据现有鉴定资料出具或然性司法鉴定意见。对于或然性司法鉴定意见的证据能力,无论是理论界还是实务界,都存在争论,反对者甚至呼吁在司法鉴定实践中取消或然性司法鉴定意见的存在。本文试图从科学技术、法律、司法鉴定实践等方面对或然性司法鉴定意见的证据地位进行探讨,通过探究或然性司法鉴定意见形成及原因论述其科学性和合理性,通过分析或然性司法鉴定意见的证据能力论证其证据属性,进而肯定或然性司法鉴定意见的证据地位,并对如何科学地应用或然性司法鉴定意见提出思路。全文分为四个部分,文章第一部分比较了英美法系和大陆法系司法鉴定意见的含义和属性,论述了国内理论界对司法鉴定意见的含义和属性的争论,提出司法鉴定意见的表述优于鉴定结论的表述的观点,肯定了司法鉴定意见的证据属性,并给出了或然性司法鉴定意见的定义和分类。文章第二部分以或然性司法鉴定意见出现比例较高的笔迹鉴定为例,通过展示笔迹鉴定中或然性司法鉴定意见产生的过程和原因,进一步阐释了或然性司法鉴定意见产生的客观基础和主体根源,从而揭示了或然性司法鉴定意见概率证据的本质,论述了或然性司法鉴定意见的科学属性,提出了目前或然性司法鉴定意见分类过于简单不科学也不符合司法鉴定实践的需要的观点。文章第三部分列举了或然性司法鉴定意见证据能力争论的主要观点,并对否定或然性司法鉴定意见证据能力的原因进行分析,由于对或然性司法鉴定意见证据的能力的质疑主要集中在合法性和关联性上,因此从或然性司法鉴定意见的合法性和关联性上进行分析,驳斥了否定或然性司法鉴定意见证据能力的观点。文章第四部分论述了或然性司法鉴定意见的实务处理,提出对或然性司法鉴定意见进行补救形成确定性的司法鉴定意见是首选处理方式,并论述了补救的程序和方法。在或然性司法鉴定意见的质证上,针对目前我国对于司法鉴定意见的审前开示、质证的规定过于简单的现状,提出了或然性司法鉴定意见具体的审前开示和质证的方法。文章最后提出了或然性司法鉴定意见认证的评断标准和基本原则。

【Abstract】 In the practice of judicial authentication, if expert witnesses have reasonably, the best work, but still have no way to draw a clear appraisal suggestions, they will derive the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser from existing information. Whether the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser has the evidence’s ability is a controversial issue. This paper tries to research the evidence’s ability of the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser in science and technology, laws and judicial authentication practice and so on field.This article has four parts. The first part gives a comparison to the meaning of the comment of judicial appraiser that in common law and civil law system. The argument of the meaning of the comment of judicial appraiser in China is introduced. Author thinks the appellation of comment of judicial appraiser is more accurate than the appellation of the appraisal conclusion. Moreover, the comment of judicial appraiser has the evidence attribute.The second part gives an introduction of the objective foundation and the subjective reason that the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser is come into being. The article propose the comment of judicial appraiser is the probability evidence. The classification of the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser in China is too simple to fit the need of judicial authentication practice.The third part introduces the argument about whether the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser has the evidence’s ability, analyse the legitimacy and the relevance of the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser. Then the conclusion is drawn that the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser has the evidence’s ability. The evidence’s ability of it is relevant with the degree of confirmation.The fourth part is how to deal with the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser. The article propose the best processing mode is to remedy the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser. For those probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser that cannot be remedied, the cross-examination is important. The article also demonstrates the judge standards and basic principles for the adoption of the probabilistic comment of judicial appraiser.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】D918.9
  • 【下载频次】183