

Investigation and Reform of Veterinary System in Zhijiang County in Hunan Province

【作者】 田瑞斌

【导师】 贾杏林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 兽医, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 芷江侗族自治县是一个以农牧业为主的山区县,该县以发展规模化、生态化和良种化养殖为核心,大力发展优质牲猪、芷江鸭等优势项目。近年来,全县的畜牧业持续发展。但是在快速发展的同时,配套服务跟不上,发病猪多、畜产品低迷、养殖生产方式落后、资金投入不足等问题也随之显现。笔者通过对芷江县动物防疫机构现状的调查分析发现,该县防疫人员青黄不接,普遍专业技能水平偏低,防疫人员工资低,检疫硬件设施差;畜禽养殖户和动物产品加工经营者的防疫意识不强等问题,导致该县境内疫情隐患仍然存在,且威胁较大,芷江县动物防疫工作必须通过改革加强动物及动物产品的检疫、检验、监管工作。乡村兽医是我国目前在乡村从事动物诊疗服务活动的人员,也是动物防疫、疫情监测、疫病扑杀等兽医公共卫生的重要辅助人员,担负着动物诊疗及保障动物食品安全的重任。但芷江县乡村兽医大多未接受专业的基础和执业技能的系统培训,加上诊疗水平较低,诊疗方法简陋等阻碍了畜牧业高产、高质、可持续发展。2010年我国执业兽医资格考试在全国31个省市全面举行,标志着我国已初步建立了执业兽医资格考试制度。执业兽医是兽医队伍的重要组成部分,建立健全的执业兽医制度,加强执业兽医队伍的建设和管理,对提高动物疫病控制能力,保障畜牧业健康稳定发展和维护公共卫生安全具有重要意义。芷江县相关人员积极参加全国执业兽医资格考试,但是目前仅有1人取得执业兽医资格证,2人取得助理执业兽医资格证,芷江县从事兽医诊疗的执业兽医还处于空白状态,急需发展。综上可知,芷江县开展兽医制度的改革是非常必要的。本文提出了芷江县兽医体制改革的建议和措施。

【Abstract】 Abstract:Zhi jiang dong autonomous county is a mountainous area mainly developed to agriculture and graziery,its core of goingtoscale, ecologization and thoroughbred breeding. Pig of fine quality and zhi jiang ducks are our major projects. In recent years, our province’s economy sustainable development. But at the same time, the supporting services can’t keep up with the speed,such as the increase of disease, animal -products depression, backward breeding mode,shortage of capital.The author investigation the present structure analysis of the ZhiJiang county animal epidemic prevention organization found that the town shortage of epidemic prevention personnel,lowed of professional skill level and wages, hardware facilities of quarantine is poor; Livestock and poultry breeding farmers and processing operator of animal products had poor epidemic prevention consciousness, which has resulted in the overseas epidemic hidden danger still exist. ZhiJiang county animal epidemic prevention must take steps through reform to strengthen the animals and animal products inspection、quarantine and the supervisory work..Country vet is a service pesonnel that engaged in diagnosis and treatment animals. It’s main responsibility is to assistant animal epidemic prevention and epidemic monitoring. The responbility of country vet is to undertake the treatment of animals and ensure animal food safety. But ZhiJiangXian county’Vet mostly did not accept the professional foundation and practice skills training, and relatively low level of diagnosis and treatment, diagnosis and treatment methods crude prevented animal husbandry high yield, high quality, and sustainable development.In 2010, examination for the qualifications of veterinarians in 31 provinces and cities helding, it is sign that our country had set up the veterinarians qualifications examination system. Veterinarians is an important part of the vet team, than established perfect veterinarians systems and strengthen the veterinarians team construction and management.lit is benefit to improve the control ability of animal epidemic disease, ensure the healthy and steady development of animal husbandry and maintaining public health security. ZhiJiangXian actively participate in the examination for the qualifications of veterinarians, but only one person get veterinarians certificate, two people get assistant veterinarians certificate, ZhiJiangXian engaged in veterinary of veterinarians still in a state of blank,it is still needs urgent development.Overall, it is necessary that carry out the reform about the system of ZhiJiangXian vet. This paper puts forward the suggestions about reform measures of ZhiJiangXian veterinary system.

【关键词】 芷江县兽医体制改革探讨
【Key words】 Zhijiang countysystem of veterinaryreforminvestigation