

Research on a New Helical Cone Grinding Theory and Cutter Grinding Machine

【作者】 闫德中

【导师】 邹平;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 钻削是生产过程中常用的加工方法,是金属切削加工中最重要的工序之一,约占所有金属切削加工工序的三分之一。合理地选择钻尖的几何形状和角度,可以很大程度地改善钻削性能,提高加工效率,而钻尖的几何形状和角度在很大程度上取决于所选择的后刀面刃磨方法,因此,许多学者一直致力于新钻型和新的刃磨方法的研究,作者在研究现有的锥面刃磨法和变导程螺旋面刃磨法的基础上,提出了一种新的刃磨法—螺旋锥面刃磨法。本文首先在讨论研究锥面和变导程螺旋面刃磨原理和运动形式的基础上,确定了螺旋锥面刃磨法的运动形式,并在锥面和变导程螺旋面刃磨法数学模型的基础上,推导出了螺旋锥面钻头在钻尖坐标系中前刀面和后刀面的数学模型,以及机床坐标系中的刃磨方程,确定了螺旋锥面刃磨法的刃磨参数。在确定了螺旋锥面刃磨法具体运动形式的基础上,在UG中绘制了一种螺旋锥面刃磨机的三维模型结构,并对其进行了运动仿真。在螺旋锥面刃磨法数学模型的基础上,推导出了刃磨参数与各个几何参数之间的关系,并利用Matlab绘制了刃磨参数对几何参数的影响曲线。在对刃磨参数进行了特性分析后,固定了其中的一个参数,建立了刃磨参数和几何参数之间一一对应关系,并用Delphi软件建立螺旋锥面钻头的参数计算界面,从而确定了刃磨参数和几何参数之间的定量关系。对刃磨参数进行了敏感性分析,确定了刃磨参数对几何参数的影响程度大小,为刃磨机的结构和控制系统设计提供了依据。利用UG软件建立了螺旋锥面钻头的三维模型,并对其进行了角度测量,验证了其能够得到更加合理的几何形状和后角分布;并利用Deform3D软件进行了螺旋锥面钻头钻削过程的有限元模拟,并把模拟结果与锥面钻头进行了比较,验证了其切削性能的优越性。

【Abstract】 Drilling is one commonly-used processing method in the production process and one of most important procedures in metal-cutting process.approximately accounting for one-third of all metal-cutting processes.If the geometry and the angle of the drill point are reasonablely chosen,drilling performance will be improved and processing efficiency will be increased in a large extent, so, many scholars have been committed to the research on new drill point and new methods for grinding twist drill.On the basis of research on conical grinding method and variable lead helicoids grinding method,the author puts forward a new method for grinding twist drill—helical cone grinding method.First,the paper discusses the grinding principle and the movement form of the conical grinding method and variable lead helicoids grinding method,and proposes movement form of the helical cone grinding method.On the basis of mathematic model of conical grinding method and variable lead helicoids grinding method, the author derive the equations of rake face and flank face of the helical cone drill point in the drill point coordinate system and the grinding equation of the flank face in the machine coordinate system and determine the grinding parameters of helical cone grinding method.On the basis of determining movement form of helical cone grinding, the three-dimensional model of the helical cone cutter grinding machine is drawn by using UG softwear and the kinematics simulation is done. The relationship between grinding parameters and geometric parameters based on the mathematic model and draw the curve of grinding parameters influencing on geometric parameters is derived by using matalab.After analyzing the character of grinding parameters, one of grinding parameters is fixed and one-to-one correspondence between grinding parameters and geometric parameters is defined.Otherwise, the interface for calculating parameters of helical cone drill point is established with Delphi softwear to determine quantitative relationship between grinding parameters and geometric parameters.After analyzing sensibility of grinding parameters, how great grinding parameters impact on geometric parameters is identified to provide a basis for manufacture of structure and control system of cutter grinding machine.The three-dimensional model of helical cone drill point is established and its angels are measured proving that its back angel and its geometry are reasonable.Drilling process of helical cone drill point is simulated by using FEM analysis softwear Deform3D,comparing the result with cone drill point’s to prove the machinability of helical cone drill point is better than cone drill point’s.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】TG596
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】114