

Study on the River Sludge Enviromental Pollution and Treatment in Panyu District ,Guangzhou City

【作者】 黎敏聪

【导师】 胡勇有; 李高奇;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过历史资料收集、专家咨询、利用空间遥感技术、监测资料分析等手段和方法,分析番禺区河涌水系的自然和社会特征和番禺区河涌水系演变过程,科学诊断番禺区河涌水环境污染的时空变化状况及污染特征和番禺区河涌污染成因;探讨了各种现行河涌修复技术的优势与不足,评述国内外典型城市河涌整治的经验与教训,总结归纳与找寻适合广州市番禺区河涌整治的经验。通过环境社会学对围绕河涌污染问题产生的社会原因以及社会影响开展研究。从政府面临的生态危机压力、经济发展的需求、政绩考核的要求、市民诉求的影响等方面,分析政府关注城市水环境污染的动力机制;从政府通过制定政策、法律、法规等对企业和公众的行为施加影响的强制性、环境综合整治工程的表面性等方面分析政府开展水环境综合整治的行为特点;从企业处理好环境成本与收益关系剖析企业污染行为与环保行为的动因和作用模式;从市民的环境意识调查和参与河涌整治途径方面剖析市民污染行为与环保行为的的动因和作用模式;从媒体报道河涌污染治理的过程分析媒体在媒体河涌污染治理报道的行为与动因,重点分析媒体在水环境污染与治理报道中的正反作用。通过各利益相关者的独立分析,构建政府、企业、市民、媒体等利益相关者的互动关系网络,寻求合适的社会学认知模式和组织创新的路径,提出了推进番禺区城市河涌环境整治工作的对策建议。

【Abstract】 By means of collection of historical literature,expert consulting,remote sensoring, analysis of water monitoring results, this thesis reported the natural and social characteristics of rivers in Panyu Distict,causes of the river pollution in Panyu District;discussed the pros and cons of the each applied river repairment techniques,estimated the experiences and lessons of river repairment in typical domestic and foreign cities, looking for appropriate river pollution treatment experiences for Panyu District.The author of this thesis undertook researches focusing on the social causes and social impact of river pollution problem from the view point of socielogy. Analysing the mechanism of why goverment are interested in urban water enviroment pollution from the point of ecological crisis encountered by the goverment, economical development needs, citizen plea etc; Analysing behavourial features of comprehensive water enviroment treatment actions took by the goverment from vantage point of compulsive acts of stipulating policies,legistation,point of superficies of the enviroment treatment ;Analysing the causes and patterns of enterprise pollution protection from the relationship between cost and profit;Analysing the positive and negative effect of mass media by its reports on river pollution treatment processes. By the independent analysis of all the parties involved into river pollution, the author described a network of stakeholders including goverment, enterprises,citizens and public media, explored patterns of societal cogitation and organise innovation, advacate suggestions which can advance river pollution treatment in Panyu District.

  • 【分类号】X52
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