
满堂花醉三千客 一剑霜寒十四州

Analysis of the New Swordsman Movie of Tsui Hark

【作者】 马宁宁

【导师】 李惠敏;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 武侠电影可以说是中国电影史上发展最成熟的一种类型电影,就像日本的武士片或印度的歌舞片一样,武侠片已经成为华语电影在世界影坛上的典型代表。1928年《火烧红莲寺》的上映掀起了中国电影史上第一次武侠电影的创作浪潮,也首次显示出了中国武侠电影所具有的强大的市场感召力。进入上世纪九十年代以来,以徐克为代表的香港电影导演掀起了武侠电影的新浪潮,特别是引入数字技术之后,使中国武侠电影达到了一个出神入化的视觉境界——被称为新武侠电影。新武侠电影的出现标志着武侠电影科技化、特技化的大胆尝试。香港武侠电影如果始终停留在“手工艺”的历史阶段,永远超越不了肉身的局限。徐克在这方面功不可没,自由奔放的武打设计和无拘无束的想象力成为徐克电影的独特印记。徐克的新武侠电影吸收了胡金铨的中国传统的叙事方式和视觉美学特征,采用了李小龙时期的明星制和民族主义主题,在视觉风格上采用了数字技术,超越了传统武侠电影中由分镜头剪辑和“威亚”吊钢丝技术决定的视觉影像。徐克开创的新武侠电影吸收了各个阶段武侠电影的特点,可谓中国武侠电影的集大成者,达到了登峰造极的阶段。近年来,研究武侠文化和武侠电影的著作有很多,但是单从徐克创作或者参与创作的新武侠电影角度,来谈徐克作为一个杰出的电影导演对于新武侠电影的贡献和影响,这方面的专著或者论文目前还很少,正基于此,所以本人选择从这个研究角度切入,以期有所发现。本文以二十世纪九十年代以来,徐克创作或者参与创作的多部新武侠电影代表作品为研究对象,从叙事模式、人物形象、视听艺术等方面来展开论述,通过具体分析来阐述徐克在新武侠电影方面的探索和成就。

【Abstract】 Like the Japanese samurai films, or the Indian musicals,swordsman movie is the most mature film of China, which has become the typical Chinese-language film in world cinema’s. " Burning Paradise in Hell," projected in 1928,set off the first wave of creation of swordsman movie in the history of Chinese film, but also shows China’s strong market appeal of Swordsman movie in the first time.Since the 1990s, Hong Kong film directors had set off a new wave of swordsman movie represented by Tsui Hark, especially after the introduction of digital technology, which brought the Chinese swordsman movie to a superb visual realm - new swordsman movie. The new swordsman movie is a good attempt to be more scientific and acrobatic. Hong Kong kungfu film will be limited if it always stay in the "craft" stage. Tsui Hark contributed in this respect, and free-spirited martial arts design and unfettered imagination has been unique imprint of Tsui Hark’s film.Tsui Hark’s new swordsman movie absorb King Hu’s traditional Chinese narrative and visual aesthetic characteristics, using the Bruce Lee era star system and the nationalist theme in the visual style on the use of digital technology, beyond the traditional swordsman movie from the sub lens clips and "WIA" hanging wire technology and the decision of the visual image. Tsui Hark absorb the characteristics of each stage and created a new swordsman movie, which can be described as a master of Chinese swordsman movie.In recent years, there are many books and pictures on the research of swordsman movie and swordsman culture. Tsui Hark is a famous director of swordsman movie, and he had gained great progress. It is difficult to find many books and theses which discussed about his contribution and influence to swordsman movie. For this reason, this thesis had made a study on this direction and wish to gain some academic achievements.Swordsman movie created or participated by Tsui Hark since 1990s have been studied in several aspects, as narrative mode, characters, audio-visual arts, etc., exploration and achievement are analyzed through details analysis of Tsui Hark’s new swordsman movie.

  • 【分类号】J905
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