

Study on Development of Fiber Optics Fabric for Pattern Changeable and Optical Simulation

【作者】 武睿

【导师】 杨斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 纺织材料与纺织品设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 可变换图案发光织物可用于室内装饰、舞台服饰等领域,具有很强的艺术效果。传统的室内装饰织物和舞台服饰的艺术表现力主要取决于它们的色彩、质地、纹理,图案等因素,随着现代纺织技术的发展和新材料的出现,特别是发光织物的出现,给织物色彩设计、艺术表现开辟了更加广阔的领域。可变换图案发光织物的研制是将聚合物光纤织入织物中,通过组织设计、电路设计、光路设计以及控制装置设计实现织物表面不同颜色图案的变换,图案可以是传统装饰织物的连续花卉图案,也可以是独幅的动植物图案,加上合理的色彩搭配使发光织物具有更好的整体装饰效果。通过这种方法制作的发光织物具有可发光、柔软、质量轻、图案颜色和形状可变化等特点,可大量用于舞台服饰、室内装饰,安全警示和医疗等领域,也可以进一步开发成柔性显示器,为开发可穿着电脑打下基础。本论文的主要研究内容分为以下几个方面:1.分析了两种聚合物光纤的力学性能,通过室温拉伸和热拉伸法制备侧面发光聚合物光纤,利用BM-5A亮度色度计对拉伸后聚合物光纤的侧发光亮度进行表征,并借助扫描电镜分析了拉伸伸长率和温度对聚合物光纤侧发光亮度的影响。2.以金属棒作为经纱与聚合物光纤交织,模拟聚合物光纤在织物中与经纱交织的形态,利用Peirce模型表征聚合物光纤在交织过程中产生的屈曲波高和曲率半径,测量交织后聚合物光纤的侧发光亮度,分析聚合物光纤的屈曲形态与侧发光亮度之间的关系。3.选用聚合物光纤作为纬纱,普通涤纶纱线作为经纱在小样织机上制备不同组织结构的聚合物光纤织物,通过计算光纤与经纱交织过程中产生的屈曲波高和曲率半径,测量各织物的厚度和聚合物光纤织物小样的亮度,分析织物组织结构与聚合物光纤织物亮度之间的关系。4.通过图案设计和织物组织设计使聚合物光纤作为纬纱在提花机上与普通纱线交织,形成提花织物,配合光路设计、电路设计以及控制装置设计使织物中不同颜色和形状的图案交替出现,形成可变换图案的发光织物,并利用BM-5A亮度色度计表征该发光织物的亮度。

【Abstract】 Fiber optics fabric for pattern changeable has a strong artistic effect, and it can be used for interior decoration sector, stage costumes and other fields. The artistic expression of traditional fabric that used for decoration and stage costume depends on their color, texture, grain, pattern and other factors. A whole new frontier in color design and artistic expression are opened up with the development of modern textile technology and the emergence of new materials, especially the emergence of light emitting fabric. The fiber optics fabric for pattern changeable was made by embedding optical fibers into textile through multiple-weft weave to develop the patterns. The shape and color of patterns can be changed through the design of circuit and control unit. The pattern on the surface of the fabric can be designed as traditional floral pattern or a single piece of plant or animal pattern that makes light emitting fabric with better decorative effect. The light emitting fabric produced by this method can be widely used in stage costume, decorative, security alert, medical and other fields due to the merits of luminous, soft, the shape and color of lighting pattern changeable. It also can be further developed as flexible display, and lay the foundation for the development of wearable computers.The main research works in this paper as follows:1. Analyzed the mechanical prosperities of two kinds of optical fibers. BM-5A luminance colorimeter was used to measure the luminance of the optical fibers after room temperature tensile and heating tensile and the SEM was used to test the surface morphology of the optical fibers. A preliminary experiment analyzed of the impact of the elongation and temperature on the side-glowing luminance of the optical fiber.2. Simulated the woven fabric geometric of optical fiber fabric. The metal rods as warp yarns, and used the Peirce model to characterize the buckling wave height and radius appeared during interlacing, tested the side-glowing luminance of optical fiber, and then analyzed the relationship between the bending form and the side-glowing luminance.3. Optical fiber and polyester yarn was used as weft and warp separately to produce optics fabric with different weaves by the loom. The buckling wave height, radius of optical fiber and the thickness and luminance of fabric were calculated separately, and then analyzed the relationship between the weave and the luminance of fabric.4. The fiber optics fabric was produced in jacquard loom by the application of CAD system in pattern design and weaves design. Used circuit and control unit to make the pattern alternating in the fabric and tested the luminance of the fabric by BM-5A luminance colorimeter.
