

【作者】 赵万春

【导师】 曹宗杰; 王涛;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国信息化技术手段的迅猛发展及其在军事领域的广泛应用,雷达系统在现代战争中越来越展现出其举足轻重的作用和地位,而“干扰”和“抗干扰”亦成为现代信息化战争的永恒主题。面对日趋严峻的战场电磁干扰形势,本文以预警雷达、脉冲压缩雷达为应用背景,研究相控阵脉冲压缩雷达的抗干扰性能,介绍雷达抗干扰评估准则,分析脉冲压缩技术在抗噪声干扰的性能,并进一步分析了自适应干扰置零技术及阵列天线优化抗干扰方法的性能。本文主要内容包括:首先,介绍脉压相控阵雷达、宽带雷达、干扰与抗干扰技术等的背景和应用;其次,对雷达的抗干扰技术进行研究,介绍了几种抗干扰评估方法,并对组合抗干扰方法进行了探讨,尝试将阵列天线抗干扰方法和脉冲压缩抗干扰方法相结合,暨以提高雷达系统抗干扰性能;第三,分析了脉冲压缩技术,主要介绍常用的脉压相控阵雷达的系统结构,线性调频信号(LFM)的特点及分布特性分析,探讨了一种LFM信号时间-调频斜率分布交叉抑制方法,并对脉冲压缩的抗干扰性能进行了分析和讨论;第四,在干扰源方向已知的情况下,分析了自适应干扰置零技术抗干扰性能;对于干扰源未知的情况下,分析了基于天线阵列的方向图优化抗干扰方法,通过仿真测试,表明此方法能有效地降低旁瓣,抑制杂波,达到抗干扰的目的;最后,对全文进行总结,给出本文的研究成果,并指出本领域今后可以进一步完善和深入研究的方向以及对将来工作的展望。本文的研究成果对开展雷达抗干扰技术的研究具有一定的意义。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of information technology and its wide application in the military area, modern communication system, especially the radar system plays more and more important role in modern warfare. Electronic countermeasures (ECM) and electromagnetic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) has become the eternal subject of modern information war. Since the battlefield is becoming more severe situation, this paper taked the warning radar and PD radar as background, researched the anti-jamming performance of the phased array radar, analyzed the ECCM assessment criteria, then according to the characteristics of the antenna array orientation image, analyzed digital beamforming method, and proposed a method of ECCM based on antenna beam optimization.The main content is:First of all, the pulse pressure phased array radar, broadband radar, the background and application of ECM and ECCM technology were introduced;Secondly, Radar ECCM technology was introduced, and several ECCM evaluation methods are analyzed. The combination ECCM method was discussed. This paper unifies ECCM antenna array method and pulse compression method to improve the performance of radar ECCM system.Thirdly, the pulse compression technology is analyzed. Mainly aimed at the commonly used for pulse pressure phased array radar system structure, chirp signal (LFM) features and estimation methods were introduced. And a kind of time-FM slope distribution LFM signal cross suppression method is proposed.Fourthly, in the condition that interference sources are known, the performance of digital adaptive interference nulling is analyzed. In the condition that interference sources are unknown, ECCM method is proposed based on radiation pattern, through simulation test, the result indicated that the method can effectively reduce the sidelobe and inhibit clutter to achieve the purpose of reduce interference signal.Lastly, the full paper is concluded, the result of this paper was gived and analyzed, and the future of this field which can be impoved and the further research directions are pointed out.The result of this paper has certain significance in the technology of radar anti-interference.
