

Research of Commercial Fitness Clubs’ Operation Actuality in Shijiazhuang

【作者】 李柏

【导师】 肖建国;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,市场经济的高速发展和百姓生活水平的不断提高,人们休闲时间变得充裕,健身意识也逐渐增强,所以对商业健身俱乐部的需求日益增加。在国家政策大力扶持下,在国民经济快速发展的情况下,这种需求带动了包括健身市场在内的体育产业的快速发展。由于经营者理念,健身俱乐部经营的规模、项目、管理制度、企业文化及营销策略等方面与发达的一线城市还存在着较大差异,所以石家庄市商业健身俱乐部的发展还处于初级阶段,健身俱乐部在各个方面的发展还不够完善,这代表了我国目前二级城市健身产业发展不均衡的现状,说明石家庄市健身业在诸多方面还有待于进行更深一步的理论研究和实践探讨,这是非常必要而有意义的。本文采用了文献资料法、调查访问法、社会网络分析法、数理统计法对石家庄市商业健身俱乐部经营进行了调查和研究。研究结果显示:石家庄市健身俱乐部的地理位置大都在较为繁华的新华区、桥东区、桥西区;而裕华区、开发区等居民生活居住为主的其他区却较少。调查显示,拥有高学历的石家庄市商业健身俱乐部经营者人数偏少;石家庄市健身俱乐部的现任教练员以各体育院校毕业不久的学生为主,教练员的收入与其所指导的项目、本人指导水平、特别是消费者对此项目的喜爱程度有较大差异。调查发现,在石家庄市健身俱乐部中,一些运动项目的健身教练员课时报酬远高于一些器械教练员。还有教练员在执教过程中接受继续教育的途径比较窄,主要以看一些新版的健身资料带为主,外出学习机会很少。在石家庄市健身俱乐部消费者人群中,男性比例略高于女性,消费者的年龄结构以21—49岁之间的中青年为主,这些消费者显著特点是相对学历较高、工作较为稳定,以事业单位工作人员、政府公务员和企业的白领职员为多。他们的健身与消费的动机主要集中在改善和塑造体形,释放工作压力和强壮体魄、预防疾病等三个方面。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opeaning to the opeaning outside world,the market economy develop by leads and bounds and people’s living standard improve continuously.In this case,people have much more leisure time and they desire much for doing some workout,which leads to an increasing need for commercial health clubs.With the dramatic grouth of economy and greatsupporting of the gonernment,the fitness market has witnessed a rapid development. Because of the managerial ideas,the health clubs in Shijiazhuang is far behind the developed first-tier cities on the scale,programs,management and strategies and so forth.Therefore,it remains in a primitive stage and the imperfactions are unavoidable on all sides,which indicates the fitness industry’s unbalanced development in the second-tier cities at the present.It is essential and important that more theory reserches and pratice are required to improve some problems of the fitness industry in Shijiazhuang.In this article,to survey and study the managdment if health clubs in Shijiazhuang, we use many methods such as documentation,investigation,analysis of social network and figur statistics.According to the survey:places,such as Qiaodong District and Qiaoxi District,but few are located in Yuhua District and Kaifa District.Among the managers,only few of them are highly-eduacated. According to the survey most of the present coaches are the students who just graduated from level they teach and the preference of consumers.According to the survey the health clubs in Shijiazhuang the rewarding of qpparatus coaches is lower than the coaches teaching other programs.Besides,the qpproches they futher their study are rather narrow.They mainly rely on the latest fitness material but have few opportunities to study from the clubs in other places.The female consumers are larger than the male consumers in proporation.Their ages range from 21to49,most of whom have got an associable degree and a steady job.The majority of them are institution staff,public servants and white-collar workers.The aim of the consumers is focused on building up good health,relieving pressure and keeping in shape.

【关键词】 石家庄市健身俱乐部经营现状对策
【Key words】 the health clubsfitness clubstatusstrategy
  • 【分类号】G80-05
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】160