

【作者】 陈金红

【导师】 郝宗波; 范鸣;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 广播电视的数字化是当前电视的发展方向之一,随着数字化的进行的不断加快,数字电视必将取代模拟电视,实现数字电视的全面覆盖,电视的数字化带来的是电视媒体资料的数字化,随着电视数字化的进程的加快,计算机数据管理系统比将越来越广泛的深入电视媒体资料管理方面,在这个方面,发展计算机管理下的电视台新闻媒体资产网络编辑系统是势在必行的。电视台新闻部门是一个电视台的关键部门,其节目制作水平显示了一个电视台的整体水平。对于电视台新闻节目来说,追求的不仅仅是节目的实时性、新颖性,对于一些有价值的新闻的存储管理也是其主要任务之一。当前,随着电视台各个频道的增加,新闻节目的制作和播出的规模也越来越大,而对于一些有价值的新闻视频和音频资料也随着时代的变更,其水平、质量、数量也正在不断的增多,这为新闻媒体资产的管理带来了很大的难度。本文对电视台新闻媒体资产网络编辑系统进行了一定的设计研究,其最终目的是,设计出高效、可靠、安全的电视台新闻媒体资产网络编辑系统,实现电视台新闻媒体资产的数字化管理,从功能上来分,系统可以划分为资料上载、资料审核、媒体编目、媒体编辑、媒体检索和下载等几个部分。本文利用首先对B/S三层网络体系结构、SQL数据库技术、视频转换技术、数据存储技术等系统中用到的各种技术进行了深入了研究,然后,利用这些关键技术,从网络结构设计、系统功能设计、数据结果设计等几个方面对系统的设计过程和要素进行了一定的分析和设计。在系统设计的过程中遵循软件工程的思想,尽量实现系统的模块化,为系统的升级和改造保留了足够的空间。系统设计完成后,利用黑盒测试的方法对系统做了较全面的系统测试,测试内容包含系统的安全性、可靠性等非功能性需求,以及系统登录、编目、上载等各种功能性需求等几个方面,测试结果表明系统基本上达到了预期的设计目的,满足了电视台新闻媒体资产网络编辑的各项要求,相信该系统的使用会取得较好的效果。

【Abstract】 Digital broadcasting is one of the current direction of the development of television, and now days, the digital TV is developing faster and faster, and in the future, the digital television will take the place of the analog television, and the full coverage of the digital television will be realized. The development of the digital television brings the digital of the TV media, and according to the process of digital of the television, Computer data management system will be widely used in the management of the television media data. And so, it is necessary to development the television news media asset management system managed by the computer.For a television news media asset management system, not only does it should make the real-time and the novelty of the media data, but also, it is necessary to store and manage the valuable data. Now, the number of the channels of the television is becoming larger and larger, and the scale of the production and broadcast of the news program are becoming larger and larger. The important data of the news is becoming more and more, which brings a lot of hardness to the management of the media data.According to this, the thesis makes some research on the television news media asset management system. The target of the system is to manage the media data more quickly and more safety, and realize the digital management of the news media. From the aspect of the function of the system, is can be designed as some modules, such as the module for uploading, the module for checking, the module for searching, and the module for downloading. This thesis make some research on the key technology of the system, and analyze the process of the design from the three aspects, including the structure of the internet, the function of the system, and the structure of the data base. During the design, the software project method is adopted, and the system is made up of some modules, which support the upgrading of the system.After the system is finished, it is tested, and the content tested includes the non-function needs and the function needs. The result of the test shows that the system can meet the need of the TVstation.

【关键词】 电视台新闻资产管理系统设计
【Key words】 televisionnewssource managementthe design of the system
  • 【分类号】TN948.6
  • 【下载频次】90