

【作者】 张旭东

【导师】 韩宏; 郝赤;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,计算机技术的不断发展、网络技术的逐步提高,对图书这一种古老的信息获取途径有所冲击。但从网上图书的销售数据以及网络投票来看,图书仍是消费大众的首选。如何快速并高效的对图书进行管理,就成为了我们面前需要解决的一个问题。伴随现代信息技术的大范围普及与应用,图书综合管理系统渐渐的被人们所重视。它的介入使人们从以前的手工作业转向由相关的信息管理系统进行操作管理。不但大大减少了相关管理人员的工作量,而且还使工作效率有了提高。为了实现方便、快速的对图书综合信息的管理,我们通过基于可视化的计算机技术,建立了基于web的图书综合管理系统软件。整个系统基于MyEclipse8.5开发,运用mysql5.0数据库和Java Server Pages作为开发语言,struts为开发框架,采用Apache Tomcat 6.0 Web服务器。它能够对资料和用户进行有效的管理及维护,实现了图书数据的简单查询、模糊查询及各模块的功能。本论文将介绍本系统如何达到了图书有效的借阅、归还、销售等数据的管理,同时也使您能体会到,在社会发展中,信息管理系统所处的重要地位。本文基于某所高校的实际情况分析,对我市高校图书管理系统的现状及所面临的普遍问题做了研究,针对这些问题,结合现代科技发展的最新成果,构思规划了一个小型图书综合信息管理行业崭新的管理模式,从功能、组成结构、系统的特点和建设步骤几方面进行了简单的论述。

【Abstract】 In nowadays, there is a impact to the old information access with the developing of computer and network technology. But the sales data from online books and network is still the first choice to a lot of consumers. So how to manage books effectively and rapidly is the problem that should to face. With the modern information technology used popular than before, the integrated management system of the books is on sight of the people gradually. It makes manual work turn to the operation of information management system. It is not only reduces the amount of work by people, but also increases the work efficiency.In order to realize the management of the books convenience and the speed, based on visual computer technology, the web of comprehensive management system software of the books was set up. The whole system is based on MyEclipse8.5, mysql5.0 database and Java Server was used as the language, Apache Tomcat 6.0 was used as the Web Server. It realized that material and user management and maintenance of the data, and borrowing and returning the books. This thesis will introduce the system how to borrow and return the books, and how to achieve the function, For example, the data querying, fuzzy querying.This thesis will introduce how to achieve borrowing the books, returning the books ,and saling the data management in this system, but also you can feel that the important position that the information management system in the development of the society. Based on the analysis of the actual situation of colleges and universities,this thesis is based on the actual situation of a university research and analysis that the present situation and the problem of management system of the city, and for these problems, combined with the development of modern science and technology, from the function, composition structure, the characteristics of the system and development steps several aspects of the simple treatise, and designed a small management mode for the book comprehensive information management.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】144